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Help! Can anyone tell me which servo to use?

micro:bit Arduino Servo

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Is there anyone who has ever used micro:bit to drive servo? What kind of servo you ever used?  Is there anyone who has used micro:bit?I heard this board is quite popular. I bought a micro:bit from an online store during their Black Friday. And now I have lots of servos for Arduino board in hand. I want to make a robot. But I met a problem. Because the servo in my hand requires  voltage above 4.8 V, while the voltage of micro:bit board is 3.3V only. It can not drive my servos. I have searched online again and again but still couldn't find a servo with voltage of 3.3V. I would like to ask you who has ever used micro:bit to drive servo "Which kind of servo you choose?And do you have any links?"  

Edited by YYlouiseWhy, 27 December 2017 - 07:52 PM.

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