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I cannot complete Installation of a Program - Error 1632

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Most likely there is some delay from Avast so removing it will probably help the reboot time.  Agree there should be no need for it after you stop the Wifi.


If I remember correctly pink items indicate no owner shown.  Sometimes that means malware but sometimes it's just lazy programmers.  I haven't see any sign of malware but if in doubt you can submit a file to virustotal.com and see what they say.  Removing the yellow entries is OK.  They are no longer all there.

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Good evening Ron,


I removed Avast and did a reboot which came in at 1min 28sec. I then reinstalled Avast from a fresh download and timed the reboot as 3min 04sec. So I reckon that you are right about Avast slowing things down! :-)


I cleared the file not found items via Autoruns and did a virustotal scan which picked up a couple of items, but by only one assessor, so I guess no worries there.


I got rid of the WinDef folder, but haven't found a way to get rid SQL No worries there i was just trying to save save a few megabits.


I think there might be some more things that I could shift to reduce the processing load, but I'm not sure it would be worth the effort.


It seems to me that we are at, or at least approaching, the end of the road here. What do you think?



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Judging by the last Process Explorer log there's not much more you can do to improve performance.  You can try disabling the WMI service (Windows Management Instrumentation).  I think you can live without it.


I think we have the reboot time problem solved now.  Guess we're about done unless you have another PC lying around.

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Good Evening Ron,


Firstly, I apologise for not responding yesterday to your latest message. I have been flat out these last few weeks working on a translation of our new village General Plan, all 549 pages of it! Yesterday was the day on which The Town Council agreed that I had accurately rendered the main points into English from the Castilian and so I was into making minor changes and getting it out to people. Today has been a mixed bag of odds and ends that have been neglected for some time.


Anyway, I now have a quiet evening and time to think about this activity. So I have looked for Windows Management Instrumentation and can't find it. In Autoruns there is a Tab for it, but it opens to a blank page. A search doesn't find it and a search for WMI brings up over 200 hits but nothing obvious. So, perhaps we have already disabled or deleted it.


As it happens I do have another laptop lying around... but worry not, that one I only keeo in case I ever need to use a piece of specially written business analysis software that is a hangover from a previous employment as a consultant and I haven't needed it  in 10 years, but you never know...! It gets booted up every year or so and runs fine so no need and no point in doing anything on that machine.


So, I think we call it a day. It has been a pleasure working with you and I have really appreciated your knowledge, patience and understanding and I am genuinly grateful for the time and effort that you have afforded me. Not only have you helped me to improve the performance of three machines, but also you have taught me a lot about the inner aspects of Windows and taken me down paths that I would never have ventured unaided for fear of wrecking something...! :-)


Should you ever find yourself in Spain please do make contact, we have a guest apartment and would be pleased to host you.





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WMI shows up in Process Explorer as:


wmiprvse.exe        3,684 K    8,128 K    2712    WMI    Microsoft Corporation  


so in autoruns you will see:  wmiprvse.exe

tho it's a Microsoft service so you may have to go into the options in Autoruns to make it let you see it.  I think they hide MS stuff now by default.


Alternatively it's a services so run:


to open the services menu, scroll down until you get to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).  Try stopping the service.  If that doesn't cause any immediate problems set it to Disabled and reboot.


Nice working with you.  If you ever get over here we're in Melbourne Beach Florida.  Come by and see up (PM me for the address)

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Good evening Ron,


Firstly my apologies for going dark on you for a week! My wife took me away for a short break for my 74th birthday and I agreed to not do e-mails for the duration so that I didn't get caught up with any of the issues that I am dealing with in the village at the moment. Fortunately I have good deputies for both of the organisations that I lead and we had a nice relaxing time in a beachside hotel. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to follow up on your last message before I was whisked away.


However, we are back now and relaxed after a very pleasant interlude and I have attended to your WMI message. When I disable WMI it tells me that several programs will not work including WiFi and some other associated things like the Firewall. That will be fine when we sign off, but until then I will leave it running.


So, thank you again for your work and your tolerance, I have learned a lot from you, which should stand me in good stead should, when, I get problems in the future.


I think I still have your sign off letter from one of the earlier machines, but if you want to send it again please do and unless you have any remaining thoughts on this machine I will start cleaning this machine down. It will certainly be much more responsive when I start loading it up for this year's fiesta, which will have a Mexican theme for our association.


Best regards,



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Hope you had a nice week at the beach.  We are not beach people tho we can walk to the beach from our house.  It's less than 2/3 KM.  The only time we go is when we have out of town visitors.


I have an old signoff for XP.  It hasn't been updated for a while since I don't usually do XPs anymore but it looks decent.  You shouldn't need Cryptoprevent for your application.


Some of the links are outdated - use the ones in the latest version which I will also paste in:


That's about all I see so I think we can clean up now.

We need to clean up System Restore.  

Copy the following:

 Run OTL.   In the Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom, paste in the copied text (Ctrl + v) and then hit Run Fix.

You can uninstall or delete any tools we had you download and their logs.

If we ran Combofix:
To uninstall combofix, copy the next line:
"%userprofile%\Desktop\combofix.exe" /Uninstall

Start, Run, cmd, OK then right click, Paste, then hit Enter.

OTL has a cleanup tab so if you run it again and select cleanup it will remove itself and its backup files.

To hide hidden files again (If you do not run OTL cleanup):


# Close all programs so that you are at your desktop.
# Double-click on the My Computer icon.
# Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
# After the new window appears select the View tab.
# Uncheck the checkbox labeled Display the contents of system folders.
# Under the Hidden files and folders section select the 'Hide protected operating system files (recommended)' option.
# Check the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.
# Press the Apply button and then the OK button and exit My Computer.

Special note on Java.  Old Java versions should be removed after first clearing the Java Cache by following the instructions in:
Then remove the old versions by going to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall all Java programs which are not Java Version 7 update 45 or better.  These may call themselves: Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, J2RE, J2SE.  Get the latest version from Java.com.  They will usually attempt to foist some garbage like the Ask toolbar, Yahoo toolbar or McAfee Security Scan on you as part of the download.  Just uncheck the garbage before the download (or install) starts.  If you use a 64-bit browser and want the 64-bit version of Java you need to use it to visit java.com.
Due to multiple security problems with Java we are now recommending that it not be installed unless you absolutely know you need it.  If that is the case then you should go in to Control panels, Java, Security and set the slider to the highest level.

Also make sure you have the latest versions of any adobe.com products you use like Shockwave, Flash or Acrobat.

Whether you use adobe reader, acrobat or fox-it to read pdf files you need to disable Javascript in the program.  There is an exploit out there now that can use it to get on your PC.  For Adobe Reader:  Start, All Programs, Adobe Reader, Edit, Preferences, Click on Javascript in the left column and uncheck Enable Acrobat Javascript.  OK Close program.  It's the same for Foxit reader except you uncheck Enable Javascript Actions.

To help keep your programs up-to-date you should download and run the UpdateChecker:
(You don't need to download Betas and if there is a program you don't use you can just uninstall it rather than update it.    You can right click on the updatechecker icon (looks like a downward green arrowhead) and select Settings and tell it no betas.  If you don't use MSN Messenger I would not upgdate it.  MS installs a bunch of stuff when you do.  You can tell the program to not show you that update.)
If you use Firefox or Chrome then get the AdBlock Plus Add-on.  Adblock Plus is now available for IE too:

If Firefox or Chrome is slow loading make sure it only has the current Java add-on.  Then download and run Speedy Fox.
http://www.crystalidea.com/speedyfox.  Click on Optimize.  When it finishes click on Exit.

Be warned:  If you use Limewire, utorrent or any of the other P2P programs you will almost certain be coming back to the Malware Removal forum.  If you must use P2P then submit any files you get to http://virustotal.combefore you open them.

Due to a recent rise in the number of Crytolocker infections I am now recommending you install:



The free version does not update on its own so you should check for updated versions once in a while.

If you have a router, log on to it today and change the default password!  If using a Wireless router you really should be using encryption on the link.  Use the strongest (newest) encryption method that your router and PC wireless adapter support especially if you own a business.  See http://www.king5.com...-120637284.htmland http://www.seattlepi...ted-1344185.php for why encryption is important.  If you don't know how, visit the router maker's website.  They all have detailed step by step instructions or a wizard you can download.

XP does not automatically run defrag so it needs to be done manually every couple of months or it will slow down.  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314848

XP has been out a long time so most XP computers are starting to get clogged with dust.  This makes them overheat which will also slow them down.  To clean a desktop, shut it down but leave it plugged in.  Remove the lid or open it up and use a vacuum cleaner hose and a small brush to clean the air vents in the front and back and the fins of the heatsink and of the fans - including the fan of the power supply.  You may need to unscrew the four screws that hold the fan to the heatsink and lift the fan off to really clean the heatsink.  Start it up while the lid is off and watch the fan (after screwing it back down again if you removed it).  It should start up right away and be at full speed in no time (it may stop running shortly after starting - this is normal).  A fan that is slow starting or which makes noise is worn out and needs to be replaced.  Cleaning a laptop is unfortunately major surgery for most brands.  Make sure the vents are clear and that it is run on a hard surface.  Never on a bed or your lap as that blocks the air vents.  Propping up the back with a book without blocking the air vents will make it run a bit cooler.  If you think it might be running hot you can get speedfan


Download, save and Install it then run it.

It will tell you your temps (if the PC is new enough).  If they seem hot (over 50) then check Automatic Fan Speed.
Leave it running and see if the temps drop.  If temps are over 80, the CPU will slow down to protect itself.  Disassembling a laptop to clean it isn't that hard.  There are usually YouTube videos for most brands that show you how to do it if you search for them.  Most times you just need some small screwdrivers and maybe a long nose pliers.  The hardest part is reassembling it and getting all of the screws in the right places so takes notes or lots of pictures.  If you take it apart then you should also pull the heatsink and clean it and replace the old thermal pads with Arctic Silver Thermal compound.  Amazon has a kit of cleaner and compound http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/B001FVI91Uwhich I have used.

Make sure you have Windows update working and preferably on Automatic download and install.  Go to Internet Explorer, Tools, (or Safety), Windows Updates, Express  and see if it has any updates for you.


Time to clean up:
If we used FRST to clean your PC:

right click on FRST.exe or FRST64.exe (whichever you used) and rename it to uninstall.exe.  Then right click on uninstall.exe and Run as Admin.

If we installed Speccy it needs to be uninstalled.  Process Explorer, VEW, AdwCleaner, JRT  and their logs and Speccy's log can just be deleted.

Also make sure you have the latest versions of any adobe.com products you use like Shockwave, Flash or Acrobat.  Flash is now the most malware targeted program so it must be kept up to date.  Be careful with Adobe.  They are fond of offering optional downloads like yahoo or Ask toolbars or that worthless McAfee Security Scan.  Go slow and uncheck the optional stuff.

Whether you use adobe reader, acrobat or fox-it to read pdf files you need to disable Javascript in the program.  There is an exploit out there now that can use it to get on your PC.  For Adobe Reader:  Start, All Programs, Adobe Reader, Edit, Preferences, Click on Javascript in the left column and uncheck Enable Acrobat Javascript.  OK Close program.  It's the same for Foxit reader except you uncheck Enable Javascript Actions.

If you use Chrome/Firefox/Edge then get the Ublock Origin extension.  For IE go to adblockplus.org  and get the program.
If Chrome/Firefox is slow loading make sure it only has the current Java add-on.  Then download and run Speedy Fox.
http://www.crystalidea.com/speedyfox. Close Chrome/Firefox/Skpe. Hit Optimize.   You can run it any time that Chrome/Firefox seems slow starting..

If you use Facebook you need FB Purity: http://www.fbpurity.com/
To prevent a relatively new phishing attack:  In Firefox, type:


in the URL box and hit Enter.  You should get a new page of options (if you get a notice about voiding the warranty just cancel the warning).  In the Search box put in


You should only get 2 options:
We want it to say True but by default it is False so double click on it to toggle from False to True.
 "network.standard-url.punycode-host" Leave this one at default of Flase.
Close and restart firefox.

To test it you can go to:


If the value is false you will see https://www.apple.cominstead of the correct value

If you are a Facebook user get the FB Purity extension for your browser:
This will stop all of the suggested pages and ads so that Facebook loads much quicker.

Be warned:  If you use Limewire, utorrent or any of the other P2P programs you will probably be coming back to the Malware Removal forum.  If you must use P2P then submit any files you get to http://virustotal.combeforeyou open them.

Due to a recent rise in the number of Crytolocker infections I am now recommending you install:


The free version. When you install it the default is NONE which is kind of worthless so change it to Standard or default. If you have problems after installing CryptoPrevent you can just uninstall it.

If you have a router, log on to it today and change the default password!  If using a Wireless router you really should be using encryption on the link.  Use the strongest (newest) encryption method that your router and PC wireless adapter support especially if you own a business.  See http://www.king5.com...0637284.htmlandhttp://www.seattlepi...ted-1344185.php for why encryption is important.  If you don't know how, visit the router maker's website.  They all have detailed step by step instructions or a wizard you can download.

Special note on Java.  Old Java versions should be removed after first clearing the Java Cache by following the instructions in:
Then remove the old versions by going to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall all Java programs which are not Java Version 7 update 25 or better.  These may call themselves: Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, J2RE, J2SE.  Get the latest version from Java.com.  They will usually attempt to foist some garbage like the Ask toolbar, Yahoo toolbar or McAfee Security Scan on you as part of the download.  Just uncheck the garbage before the download (or install) starts.  If you use a 64-bit browser and want the 64-bit version of Java you need to use it to visit java.com.
Due to multiple security problems with Java we are now recommending that it not be installed unless you absolutely know you need it.  IF that is the case then go to Control Panel, Java, Security and slide it up to the highest level.  OK.

Recommended software: (I'm not saying you should download these just that if you have a need for a new program these are safe and work)  
Compression:  7-zip.  Avoid WinRar and WinZip as the free versions have adware.
Video Player:  VLC  Unlike Windows Medi Player it never seems to need extra files to work.
Photo organizer and editor:  Google's Picasa.  While it has been discontinued by Google you can still get it at:
Office like free program:  Open Office: https://www.openoffice.org/download/
LibreOffice: https://www.libreoffice.org/
Free Anti-Virus:  Avast
Free Malware prevention:  MBAM: Free version at https://www.malwareb...m/mwb-download/
Can run with your anti-virus.
Paid Anti-Virus:  Kaspersky or BitDefender
Root Kit Detector:  MBAR: https://www.malwareb...om/antirootkit/
Process Explorer:  Show you what is running on the PC.  Like Task manager but better:  http://live.sysinter...com/procexp.exe
WhoCrashed: Why did your system crash?
Then click on Download free home edition
where it says:
WhoCrashed 5.51
Comprehensible crash dump analysis tool
for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008/2003 (x86 and x64)
System Health:
http://www.filehippo.com/download_speccy (Look in the upper right for the Download
Latest Version button  - Do NOT press the large Start Download button on the upper left!)  Decline CCleaner if offered.  Pay attention to SMART info on your hard drives and to temps.  If in doubt about temps try:
SpeedFan:  Try speedfan
Download, save and Install it (Win 7 or Vista right click and Run As Admin.) then run it.
Download Flash and Video.  To save flash video.  Works with Firefox.  https://addons.mozil...lash-and-video/

Advanced System Care
Spybot S&D
Any P2P software especially if it comes from Conduit.
Registry Cleaners
Driver updating software.
PC fixing or Speed up software.
Running more than one anti-virus.
Seagate hard drives.  If you have one it's going to fail on you so backup your data now!

My help is free but if you wish to show your appreciation, please donate to Kwiaht instead of me. It's an Orcas Island environmental organization that I volunteered with: http://www.kwiaht.org/donate.htm
(The name means something like "clean place" in one of the local native-American dialects)


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