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How can i transfer data from one system to another?

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Hello friends,

I'm working on two systems and i want to transfer data files from one system to another. 

i don't have pen drive, so how can i transfer my data ?

please suggest best and fast method.

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    WTT Tech Teacher

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1 you could buy or borrow a flash (pen drive) they are only a pound or two or a dollar or three
2 Or perhaps an external USB hard drive
3 or using an optical drive (CD or DVD or BlueRay
4 or network the two computers together
5 you could email files to yourself and collect them on the other computer
6 or upload files to cloud storage and download them to the other computer(dropbox, Google drive etc.
7 Use a zip drive or floppy drive (or even Interlnk) if you have this sort of legacy equipment
8 Use a NAS (network attached storage)
9 Use a remote desktop application
10 use a "messenger" type application
11 use a Skype type application
12 You could use the same "media" as you use to keep your usual back ups, and your disc images.

I'm sure there are other methods but I would start with the pen drive (flash drive) or external USB hard drive as these are simple to use, quick and very inexpensive.

Post back if you need further info.
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