Hello All,
I have not been haunting the Geeks to Go forums much over the last couple of years, but thought that sharing what follows warranted my brief return given that so many people have been experiencing audio issues after installing the Version 1803 feature update.
In real life one of the ways I eke out a living is as an assistive technology tutor for screen reading software and magnification software for individuals who have significant visual impairment or are blind. The following was just posted minutes ago on the Windows 10 for Screen Reader Users group on which I'm a participant.
Even though the step-by-step instructions are written for individuals using screen readers, it is easy enough to "translate" them back to what you need to do via point and click instead.
Microsoft is asking for as many reports, with audio samples, as they can get through the feedback hub related to this issue/these issues and an MS engineer gives the exact steps that need to be taken to submit a thorough report to them. They are asking for reports even if you've rolled back to the earlier version of Windows or have managed to solve the issue via installing drivers. You can't fix what you can't completely identify or replicate, so here's how you can help if you have had any audio issues in Version 1803.
Hi, I am from Microsoft Windows Accessibility team. Sorry to hear about the many issues people were having with their audio after updating to Windows 10 April 2018 Update. Looks like there were three categories of audio problems/symptoms that people were experiencing that were not there before the update:
(1) No audio
(2) Audio volume became very low
(3) Audio with crackling noise
I am in contact with the engineers working on audio in Windows. The audio team would like to diagnose and understand these issues better and we need your help. For those of you who encountered audio issues after the update, regardless if you have rolled back to the previous version, or already got the problem corrected or not, we would really appreciate it if you can file a feedback item from that same machines with audio diagnostic data (audio trace), this way we can have a better chance to figure out what audio hardware or drivers were involved. To do this, submit a feedback in the Feedback Hub app, using the “Devices and Drivers” category and “Audio and sound” subcategory, and choosing the “Recreate my problem” -> “Start capture” -> Reproduce issue -> “Stop capture” options.
Here are the steps to file a feedback with audio diagnostic data:
1. Open the feedback hub app by pressing Win + F
2. Tab twice to “Summarize your issue” Edit field.
3. Type one or two sentences summarizing the problem you ran into (up to 150 characters). Please include the keyword "AudioWin10April” in the beginning of the title so we can search for them easier.
4. Tab again to the Give us more detail Edit field. In this edit field, describe the issue in more detail. Things like scenario, repro steps, what you expected and what actually happened. Any attempt to correct the issues and what was the outcome.
5. Tab twice to the “Select a Category” combo box, type the letter 'd' a few times to select "Devices and Drivers" (you might hear "Category selected, Device and Drives"). Tab again to the Subcategory Category combo box, type the letter 'a' to select "Audio and sound" (You might hear "Subcategory selected, Audio and sound").
6. Tab three times and you will hear "Expend this section to recreate my problem", Press Space or enter to activate that.
7. Tab, you will hear “Include diagnostic data about" check box. Tab again to "Select the type of problem", “Audio and sound (default)" should be selected already. Both of these should be enabled by default, leave them enabled so the audio diagnostic information will be included.
8. Tab again, “Include screen shots of each step" (This one is optional in our case)
9. Tab once to "Start capture" button, Press Space or Enter to activate that. Wait a few seconds for it to be ready.
10. If your machine's audio make crackling noise, try to get that to happen. Otherwise, skip this step.
11. Press Shift + Tab to get to the "Stop Capture" button. Press Space or Enter to activate the button. Wait a few seconds for it to complete saving the audio diagnostic data.
12. Tab once, sometimes you will hear "Delete the screenshot" if a screen shot was captured. You can press space to delete that if you do not want to include any screenshot.
13. Tab once or twice to the "Submit Feedback" button, press Space or Enter to active the Submit Feedback button.
Thank you very much for your help,
Shou-Ching Schilling
Windows Accessibility Community Champ