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Your power supply may be bad these Motherboard Voltages are to low. They should be with +- 5-10% of the norm. Are you comfortable with testing it. See the following video to proceed. This may be your main issue with your USB ports.
Your Motherboard Voltages:
CPU CORE: 1.344 V
+3.3V: 1.980 V
+5V: 3.367 V
+12V: 8.160 V
-12V: -5.616 V
-5V: -9.984 V
Motherboard Voltage Rail Tolerance Minimum Voltage Maximum Voltage
I cannot access the power supply right now but is the reason the same when the wifi network keeps disconnecting at times throughout the day (with the yellow exclamation mark appearing and with my usb adapter installed on the front port) the fault of the power supply too?
Edit: now the disconnection problem happens with almost all the ports (except the ones that show the red X) It's been several times it has disconnected now maybe the internet will turn on for a minute or two and its back to the yellow exclamation mark. Sometimes it connects to the wifi network automatically on its own again and may have very slow internet speed and i have to unplug and plug again the adapter to get it to work but whenever i do that the same problem occurs again with the disconnection.
2nd edit: I scanned windows update and scanned for important ones rebooted after of course for about 2 or 3 times and after that the wifi network doesn't seem to disconnect every minute or so and the internet is working again (and system is still scanning for windows update). I'm not sure though but i think it may disconnect randomly later again.
Yes, if the ports are not getting the correct power it will cause all sorts of issues. I recommend testing as soon as possible.
2nd edit: I scanned windows update and scanned for important ones rebooted after of course for about 2 or 3 times and after that the wifi network doesn't seem to disconnect every minute or so and the internet is working again (and system is still scanning for windows update).
What do you mean it is still scanning for updates?
Yes, if the ports are not getting the correct power it will cause all sorts of issues. I recommend testing as soon as possible.
2nd edit: I scanned windows update and scanned for important ones rebooted after of course for about 2 or 3 times and after that the wifi network doesn't seem to disconnect every minute or so and the internet is working again (and system is still scanning for windows update).
What do you mean it is still scanning for updates?
Sorry i might have worded that incorrectly i had my windows update set on the automatic mode/install updates for a while and was scanning for updates for about 10 minutes or so.