for sevela months i have been trying toget rid of this problem
I use my pc for email etc and gaming
4 years no problem
as my graphice were not upto new games I got a Geforce 1050 ti last year
3 months ago I got an extra 8gb of Ramm ddr3 ,Goodram the maker to match the other 8gb I have
month or so blue screen appears tried all internet solution that a pc idiot like me can pewrform but back it come
so off to menders renew windows and drivers, ,blue screen week later back!!!!!!
read some more
Had new power pack and motherboard 2 weeks and BANG its back KEMODE fault the got it startred Bang then memeory fault
so I am lost
I removed one of the RAM sticks , ran it and after 10 minutes Back my thinking was kemode fault said RAM fault
Is my new ram the problem so took out the other RAM and put in this one
So far its working 1 hour
I have all the work in a shop where I live in Bulgaria as I have no idea about pc's
Any help or advice please
Can the RAM stick be faul;ty?? what else can I change