a friend gave me an older tower it doesn't have the cd drive and it came from his work, so it has an administrator account I cant get into. so I cant do a reinstall of windows. any help would be greatly apreiated, thank you

help please
Posted 15 December 2018 - 02:49 AM

Posted 15 December 2018 - 08:20 AM

The easiest way is to ask your friend for the password (if he has forgotten it, he could ask where he works to tell him what it is.)
If he and the firm are relaxed about telling you the password, and having you access the contents of the computer then all should be well.
If they are unwilling or unable to give you the password then it would be a wise move to start from the beginning and install a fresh operating system. You can do this using either a USB flash drive or perhaps a DVD ( in the case of the DVD you will need to borrow an external DVD drive or even buy and fit a new one (they are very inexpensive)
If you were thinking that we might assist you in breaking or circumventing password protection installed by the previous owner, then I'm afraid that is not an option as this would be against our site's Terms of Use.
Posted 09 January 2019 - 04:47 AM

You can try through safe mode and try through admin user or create a new account.
Posted 31 January 2019 - 09:46 AM

a friend gave me an older tower it doesn't have the cd drive and it came from his work, so it has an administrator account I cant get into. so I cant do a reinstall of windows. any help would be greatly apreiated, thank you
Listen, I had the same situation, but I gave it back. I decided to do nothing with the older tower
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