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Win Defender Fail; BSOD; System Restore Fail; Still Boots and Runs

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 24 December 2018 - 08:53 AM

Hello Don, Sorry to hear that the HDD has expired   Any downside to setting the old HD up in my second bay and seeing if I can access it that way?  That is a good idea in a... Go to the full post »

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Multiple issues with Dell Inspiron 660 running Win 10 (Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134). 


Several days ago Windows crashed and I had to do a hard reboot, upon bootup Win Defender would not turn on.  Have tried SFC scannow, it completes and detects corrupted files it can't fix.  Tried DISM /Restorehealth but it doesn't complete. Tried CHKDSK /R but it doesn't complete, PC hangs (ran for 24+ hours).  Tried System Restore but it failed for several restore points.  Tried Win 10 Repair Installation from thumb drive, that failed too. 


In spite of all the above, PC still boots and runs programs, in fact I am writing this from the PC.  Still installs Win updates, except Defender definitions won't install.... last Windows Quality update was installed just yesterday (KB 4471324). 

I've copied my data files onto an external backup.  Since I can boot and run programs, seems like there should be hope... any suggestions or is it time to throw in the towel, purchase/install a new hard drive and do a fresh install? 


All suggestions kindly appreciated, 



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    Mechanised Mod

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Have you tried  the Refresh your PC option, see info here

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If chkdsk doesn't complete its possible that you have a bad HDD!


Check the boot options when the machine starts, Dell machines have hardware diagnostics built-in run then to find if its a hardware problem.

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Have you tried  the Refresh your PC option, see info here


Thank you for the suggestion... haven't tried that yet, reviewed your link. Received HDD failure msg on a BSOD so am currently running chkdsk /r again (this time from a Win 10 boot USB) and will let it run overnight tonight and tomorrow if necessary. Will report back after. 

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If chkdsk doesn't complete its possible that you have a bad HDD!


Check the boot options when the machine starts, Dell machines have hardware diagnostics built-in run then to find if its a hardware problem.


Thanks, yes unfortunately HDD seems on its way out. Appreciate the tip about the Dell diagnostics, I will check that if the HDD is not too far gone already.  As I mentioned in reply to the Mod, am currently running chkdsk /r again from Win 10 USB stick as a last ditch effort.  Will report back after.   

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    Mechanised Mod

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If the computer was upgraded to Windows 10 as part of the free roll out the Dell ePSA Diagnostics & Tools or the more recent Dell SupportAssist application may still be available to you.


Something for you to do before you post back with your update;


Download and run CrystalDisk info standard edition from here


Run the program, grab any screenshots and attach to your next reply for us.


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... then after typing in any response you have... click on browse...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on the upload button...then on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.


You are welcome btw  :)

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Hello, and thank you for the kind replies. I am writing this with the assistance of my newly installed HD/Win 10. Unfortunately things deteriorated rapidly with the old HD to the point where I could not boot into recovery. Had run Start Up repair for 36 hours and eventually was greeted with black screen "Hard-disk drive failure. No boot device available" and had to hard reboot but could not access recovery console. Was able to run the Dell pre-boot system check and all checked out except HD which could not self test.  Then booted with Win 10 thumb drive, ran Command Prompt and was able to access HD via Notepad command.  Fortunately I had already backed up my docs, pics, and downloads. I forgot to grab my Chrome bookmarks before the crash and Notepad couldn't find or show the "Appdata" path in my User folder.  Any downside to setting the old HD up in my second bay and seeing if I can access it that way?


Thank you, 


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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Hello Don,


Sorry to hear that the HDD has expired  :(


Any downside to setting the old HD up in my second bay and seeing if I can access it that way?



That is a good idea in any event as you never know what else you may be able to recover.


You are welcome btw  :)

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...I forgot to grab my Chrome bookmarks before the crash and Notepad couldn't find or show the "Appdata" path in my User folder.  Any downside to setting the old HD up in my second bay and seeing if I can access it that way?


No problem on using the old HDD as second drive but if the drive is very bad the boot process on the Operating System could get stuck...


About Chrome bookmarks they are encrypted on the chrome files if you didn't have the synchronization with your google account enabled I think you can't access the bookmarks.

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