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Best free firewalls

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Best Answer KiwiProbie , 28 December 2018 - 02:31 PM

Ok I have chosen this, using the widows firewall and the hardware firewall (in build into the router, and i did forget about that one at first)  But because I have seen other people test the a... Go to the full post »

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Hey guys,


Just wondering is the windows firewall any good? 


What is a really good firewall that is free and not Comodo?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Just wondering is the windows firewall any good? 



How long have you been running Windows 10 and have you had any security issues with it.


Windows Defender and Firewall are free and have always worked for me from day one + you don`t get any spammy adverts.

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I dont trust the antivirus in windows there for I wont use that one, but is the firewall good?  Have you tested it?

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    WTT Tech Teacher

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If its any help, I use both the Windows firewall and anti virus and have done for some years.

Never had a problem...( so far!)



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✓  Best Answer

Ok I have chosen this, using the widows firewall and the hardware firewall (in build into the router, and i did forget about that one at first)  But because I have seen other people test the antivirus with windows and things got let through, I am going to be using kaspersky free as the antivirus.


I do admit that i like how I can set rules in the windows firewall to block all telemetry services.

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