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Keyboard typing multiple letters

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Just tried going to a website on my laptop and when I began to type I noticed that when I was typing w the letters xsw had been typed when I hit enter I was getting ;# and g was fgr. It also seems to be typing the letter r repeatedly if I go into search for something or when I go to type something in an open winfow like this or a google search or a website that has a search facility, this is without me even hitting the letter r.

I have connected a wireless keyboard to my laptop and it works fine it just seems to be the laptop keyboard

Can any help with this. It has just come onto the computer suddenly I have no idea if I pressed something or what has gone wrong.

Anyone have any ideas or know how to fix it.

Edited by mccann2688, 16 March 2019 - 05:13 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello mccann2688,


Can you post the brand and model name or number of the notebook so that we can do some research.


Have you checked for a system restore point that is before the issue first happened or alternatively have you tried starting in Safe Mode only to see if the problem remains.

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