I downloaded the update. When I try to install it, Windows brings up a box with "this update is not applicable to this computer" and will not install.
What now?
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We can try a different approach and upgrade directly to the latest version. Do you agree?
To the Command Prompt copy & paste the following command:
dir /A c:\ >"%userprofile%\desktop\list.txt"
A new file called list.txt will be created on the Desktop please attach the file to your post or copy & paste its contents.
Sorry replying to the wrong message. Old age did not read carefully.
If I run the command give by you in Command Promp as Administrator I get the following back "c:\windows\system32".
If I run it normally Iget the following back"c;\users\Barry".
In both cases the command will work, did you check for the new file list.txt created on the desktop?
Thanks for the file.
If you agree to do the Upgrade then before proceed you should remove the following folders from the C: drive
- Windows.old
- Windows10Upgrade
To do this you may need to change the Windows configuration to Show Hidden and System files, if you need help to do this follow Method 2 from this guide:
If you have any 3rd party Antivirus or Security program besides Windows Defender that is included on Windows 10 please Uninstall the product before initiating the upgrade.
Next visit https://www.microsof...nload/windows10 and click Update Now to download a small tool that will initiate the upgrade.
I've tried to remove the programmes listed on you post and I'm getting the following message "you need permission from a TrustedInstaller to make changes to the folder"
I'm the only person who works with the computer. How do I set the permission level so that I can access all the files? I took over this computer when a college died and I took over his bussiness. How do I change the user name from Barry to Mike?
Also, what is the risk with installing the Update?
Do you get that error on all those folders?
The system by itself have different permissions set to protect critical system files and to work properly you should not change that to avoid troubles.
Due to the complexity of changing the user name Windows doesn't do it completely only do that partially... a best solution is to create a new user account with the name you want and remove the old user.
The update is suppose to keep everything in terms of data and programs but of course for safety its always recommended to have backup of your data.
Windows 10 v1703 is three versions behind the latest one and Windows will not stop trying to upgrade the system automatically some times in inconvenient moments...
Ok, try to do the upgrade using the downloaded exe.
I need to check the installation logs, please try to collect the following files:
Some may not exist. Copy the files to the Desktop, zip them and attach the zip file to your post.
About the backup, it depends in what you want to do, only your files or a full backup of the system? where is the backup stored?
setuperr.rar 4.26KB
setupapi.dev.rar 34.79KB
setupact.rar 3.36MB
418 downloadsHi
C:\Windows\inf\setupapi.app.log does not exist.
All the others are attached.
As far as back up goes. I will be backing up to a 1.5tB external drive and I want a programme that will allow me to back up files and data and check the files on the back up to ensure they are the current version.
Thanks MikeBack
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