Hi There,
I wonder if someone can help I am not a techie hence i need someone who is good ! I have a Samsung computer which i updated to windows 10 but was then told by Samsung when i was having issues that 10 is not good for this computer as they have failed to invent a patch to make it fully compatible.
I then got on to Microsoft and they helped me get back to windows 8 via an install but then i had issues updating to Windows 8.1 updates just would not work despite trying all the usual troubleshooting solutions.
So I now have a copy of Windows 7 on my USB and was told to do a clean install via BIOS however i cannot get into USB mode in BIOS I have taken a photo of what i get and not usual Boot options, I believe the clean instal is probably Windows 7 and then i will go up again to 8.1.
I need some help with this please and how to do a clean install from USB when the I only get the following options in Boot menu. See all attached IMG 4811 is shot of BIOS and other one is usb key with windows to do clean install