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log in screen blurry and i can’t do anything

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so i did this online tutorial as to how to get s mode off of my computer, and it said restart, so i did. when it turned back in, my screen turned blurry and i cant even log in. how do i fix this? ive already tried to restart and shut it off...
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:  W0lfGirl16,


See if you are able to force the computer to start in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE) by starting up and shutting down the computer two or three times using the case power button, please note that you need to shut down the computer after the MBs splash screen and just as Windows attempts to load, if successful you should then continue to the Troubleshooting options and then hopefully be able to use a system restore point that is before you made the changes that have caused this problem. 

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:welcome:  W0lfGirl16,
See if you are able to force the computer to start in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE) by starting up and shutting down the computer two or three times using the case power button, please note that you need to shut down the computer after the MBs splash screen and just as Windows attempts to load, if successful you should then continue to the Troubleshooting options and then hopefully be able to use a system restore point that is before you made the changes that have caused this problem. 

that didnt work.. any other ideas?
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    Mechanised Mod

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It would help if you told us what exactly happened, you help us to help you  :happy:

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okay, will do.

so, i looked up a tutorial that was titled 3 Options to Get My Windows 10 Computer Out of Safe Mode. i did the second method, and here are the steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the Win logo in the lower left corner of Windows 10 desktop or press Win + X keyboard shortcuts, and then in the popped menu click Run to open Run dialog box
Step 2: Type msconfig and click OK. This will open System Configuration dialog.
Step 3: Select the Boot tab. Untick the Safe boot checkbox under Boot options. Then click Apply and OK
Step 4: Click Restart to restart your computer to make the changes take effect. After computer boots up, Windows 10 will directly get into its normal mode

after i did step 4, my computer screen went to the login thing, but everything was blurry and i couldnt even see the bar where i put my pin in
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    Mechanised Mod

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I meant when you tried the steps that were suggested in my reply #2, getting into the Windows RE is a must else you will need Windows 10 media to sort this out. 


Just a fyi, it is unusual for you to get issues in Safe Mode as only the Windows generic drivers are loaded and this includes those for the graphics which if you have previously been running Windows 10 should not be causing this issue.

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