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XP Systray

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Hello all!

Yesterday noticed that my Systray now shows nothing but the clock. My Norton Antivirus, Spy Sweeper, Volume, a capture program are gone from the tray.

:tazz: Have they been disabled or are they still running but just not visible?
;) How do I get them back?
;) In fact...how do you control the contents of the SysTray?

SOLUTION FOUND: See A in my own reply

Note: Three other things have happened that might be related:

1) Since two days ago, on bootup the Windows installer will start (why I don't know--there is no program CD in the drive--...then a Norton message appears saying "Norton Antivirus 5000 does not support the repair feature. Please uninstall and reinstall."

SOLUTION FOUND: See B in my own reploy

2) Same day, tried sending an email and got message that said 'Can't send because one of the recipients was rejected'.... and on top of THAT message was a Warning --assumably from Spy Sweeper-- saying:

- - - - - - "There is a conflict between Spy Sweeper (SS)and another software
- - - - - - program. Some shields in SS have been disable in order to
- - - - - - -prevent a larger conflict. To improve the situation, run a sweep,
- - - - - - -go to shields, turn on Spy installation shield and IE Hijack Shield."

- - - - - - My sweep was clean, and yet some shields were on and some were off,
- - - - - - so I turned them all on.

SOLUTION FOUND: See C in my own reply.

3. The last thing I have noticed in same time period is that...when opening a file or menu list, they open slow and/or the content is very slow to appear.

4. My Internet Explorer icon no longer gets me to the internet. Am having to click a URL shortcut on my desktop to get to the internet. I can find no IE.EXE file on my system -- only ie??.exe that are not the executable to start IE itself.

SOLUTION FOUND: Also See C in my own reply.

No more help is needed but I wanted to post solutions in case anyone has similar problems. So see my reply below for my solutions.

Edited by veryveryjoyful, 21 June 2005 - 09:43 PM.

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Fortunately I found all my own solutions. I modified the post above and put in solutions 'tags' that point to this reply memo. Here they are:

SOLUTION A. Reading other posts, I used the instructions from GeeksToGo to get ready for a Hijack (various spy sweeps, windows updates, etc.) and then downloaded and used Taskbar Repair (I paid the $5 registration fee). It has an option to "hide the notification area icons" (i call it systray) which I did and then I ran it again to "unhide" them and voila, all was well again. Well, the entire notification area was displayed, the expander button wasn't... that was fixed with a system restore (see below).

SOLUTION B. I did have to uninstall and reinstall Norton Antivirus (NAV). There were some problems and I had to do it twice, but eventually got it up and running just fine. [the second time I disabled SpySweeper and turned off every Notification Area program]

I updated NAV twice as recommended, then did a full system scan and found no errors.

SOLUTION C.. This appears to have been resolved because I did have to go back and restore my system settings from about a week ago.

I had another problem...my sound volume control had disappeared from the Notification Area, which is the real reason I had to do the System Restore. I am SO glad I had set a restore point that I could go back to.

Now that system is running okay I have set a new System Restore Point....don't know how?

Click [Start|All Programs|Accessories|System Tools|System Restore|Create Restore Point] so I can always get back to THIS system configurations
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