Sometimes when I can't open a Web site, I test it with a site tester to indicate whether the page is reachable or offline. Sometimes they all agree, but more often than not, some say the site is down, others indicate it is not offline. Why is that?

Web site down checkers
Posted 06 February 2020 - 03:02 PM

Posted 09 February 2020 - 04:48 PM > Top 5 Online Services to Check if a Website Is Down or Up
1. Google PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights is actually a free online service provided by Google to analyze websites, offering suggestions to speed up the website and not a service to check if a website is up or down. However in order for PageSpeed service to analyze the website, logically it will have to first load the website or else it won’t be able to calculate the score. We found that Google PageSpeed is very reliable because Google’s service will never fail and most webmaster/Anti-DDoS services such as CloudFlare will configure a specific rule to allow Googlebot to crawl in while blocking others.
Using PageSpeed Insights to check the actual status of a website is very easy. All you need to do is enter the the web page URL to the box and click the Analyze button. If the website is down, the PageSpeed Insights will report “The website specified cannot be reached”. If the website is up, you will see the overall PageSpeed score together with a thumbnail screenshot aligned to the right. If you click the Critical Path Explorer, you will see the objects that are loaded from the webpage.
Visit Google PageSpeed Insights
Posted 10 February 2020 - 11:40 AM

Thanks for the tip.
Posted 10 February 2020 - 11:57 AM

No problem!
Posted 21 February 2020 - 07:53 AM

Posted 21 February 2020 - 03:10 PM

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