Yesterday when I was looking for a file in my laptop I found an Adobe flash player file in my downloads. When I tried to uninstall it, it says it won't delete it and goes to the internet. Is there any way I can post screenshots of the messages it sends back when I try to uninstall it? I would appreciate the help. Thanks.
Posted 31 March 2020 - 10:50 AM
Yesterday when I was looking for a file in my laptop I found an Adobe flash player file in my downloads. When I tried to uninstall it, it says it won't delete it and goes to the internet. Is there any way I can post screenshots of the messages it sends back when I try to uninstall it? I would appreciate the help. Thanks.
Posted 31 March 2020 - 11:44 AM
Hi ,sshuchi..! Welcome to the Geeks to Go malware removal forum. I
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST)
Download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your desktop.
Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. If you are not sure which version applies to your system, download both of them and try to run them. Only one of them will run on your system, and that will be the right version.
- Right-click FRST.exe/FRST64.exe then click "Run as administrator"
- When the tool opens, click Yes to the disclaimer.
- Press the Scan button.
- When finished, it will produce logs called FRST.txt and Addition.txt in the same directory the tool was run from.
- Please copy and paste the logs in your next reply.
In your next reply, please include:
- FRST.txt
- Addition.txt
Posted 03 April 2020 - 07:52 AM
Hi ,sshuchi..! Are you still with me? Is the problem solved?
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