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Best Answer Jeffro2448 , 24 April 2020 - 03:47 PM

Just this. Everything is empty Lesson learned.  Always back up files before messing with installing windows or anything else. Go to the full post »

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i decided i wanted to install windows 10 from windows 7.


I have 2 hard drives  500gb and 1000gb


windows 7 was installed on 500gb.  i installed windows 10 on 1000gb.  I unplugged the Windows 7 HD from power and SATA and then formatted and did a clean install of Windows 10 to 1000gb drive.  Everything went fine.  Went to plug windows 7 HD to retrieve files and it is completely empty.  I have a lot of stuff on that drive.  what can i do to retrieve data from windows 7 HD?  I feel like i went through this when i upgraded from Windows xp to Windows 7.  That was many years ago.

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    Mechanised Mod

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You did everything right so not sure what has gone on.


Lets take a look at Disk Manager;


Access Disk Management via Run.


Press the Windows+R keys to open Run, type diskmgmt.msc in the empty box then press OK.


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... then after typing in any response you have... click on browse...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on the upload button...then on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.



Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

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Old HD looks empty


Attached Thumbnails

  • disk mgmt.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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It is empty but how I cannot explain if it was already removed from the computer before you formatted the new 1TB device.


Long shot but try Recuva free to see if it picks anything up, Linux might also be worth a go, let us know on that and we can provide the info.

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I ran a deep scan with Recuva and it came up with a bunch of results.  Dosent make much sense.

Attached Thumbnails

  • recuva.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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Have you actually managed to recover any of your missing data, a picture or file etc

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There are a few files that i recognize.  Most of them are a bunch of numbers and corrupted files.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Do you want the Linux info?

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Ok  i'll try it.  thanks

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    Mechanised Mod

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Its not as daunting as it looks;




***Required Hardware*** 

CD Burner (CDRW) Drive, 

Blank CD, 

Extra Storage Device (USB Flash Drive, External Hard Drive)  



1. Save these files to your Desktop/Burn Your Live CD:

  • Download Latest Puppy Linux ISO (i.e.: lupu-528.iso) 

    Download BurnCDCC ISO Burning Software 


    There are instructions on how to boot from flash drive with puppy here; http://www.pendrivel...e-from-windows/ 



  • Open BurnCDCC with Windows Explorer 

  • Extract All files to a location you can remember 

  • Double Click 1%20BurnCDCC%20Icon.PNG BurnCDCC 

  • Click Browse 2%20BurnCDCC%20Browse%20Button.PNG and navigate to the Puppy Linux ISO file you just downloaded 

  • Open/Double Click that file 

    IMPORTANT: Adjust the speed bar to CD: 4x DVD: 1x 

  • Click Start 3%20BurnCDCC%20Start%20Button.PNG 

  • Your CD Burner Tray will open automatically 

  • Insert a blank CD and close the tray 

  • Click OK 

Puppy Linux Live CD will now be created 


2. Set your boot priority in the BIOS to CD-ROM first, Hard Drive Second 


  • Start the computer/press the power button 

  • Immediately start tapping the appropriate key to enter the BIOS, aka "Setup" 

    (Usually shown during the "Dell" screen, or "Gateway" Screen) 

  • Once in the BIOS, under Advanced BIOS Options change boot priority to: 

    CD-ROM 1st, Hard Drive 2nd 

  • Open your ROM drive and insert the disk 

  • Press F10 to save and exit 

  • Agree with "Y" to continue 

  • Your computer will restart and boot from the Puppy Linux Live CD 






3.  Recover Your Data 

  • Once Puppy Linux has loaded, it is actually running in your computer's Memory (RAM).  You will see a fully functioning Graphical User Interface similar to what you normally call "your computer".  Internet access may or may not be available depending on your machine, so it is recommended you print these instructions before beginning.  Also, double clicking is not needed in Puppy.  To expand, or open folders/icons, just click once.  Puppy is very light on resources, so you will quickly notice it is much speedier than you are used to.  This is normal.  Ready?  Let's get started. 


    3a. Mount Drives 

  • Click the Mount Icon located at the top left of your desktop. 5%20Puppy%20Linux%20Mount%20Icon.PNG 

  • A Window will open.  By default, the "drive" tab will be forward/highlighted.  Click on Mount for your hard drive. 

  • Assuming you only have one hard drive and/or partition, there may be only one selection to mount. 

  • USB Flash Drives usually automatically mount upon boot, but click the "usbdrv" tab and make sure it is mounted. 

  • If using an external hard drive for the data recovery, do this under the "drive" tab.  Mount it now. 


3b. Transfer Files.


  • At the bottom left of your desktop a list of all hard drives/partitions, USB Drives, and Optical Drives are listed with a familiar looking hard drive icon. 

  • Open your old hard drive i.e. sda1 

  • Next, open your USB Flash Drive or External Drive. i.e. sdc or sdb1 

  • If you open the wrong drive, simply X out at the top right corner of the window that opens. (Just like in Windows) 

  • From your old hard drive, drag and drop whatever files/folders you wish to transfer to your USB Drive's Window. 


For The Novice:  The common path to your pictures, music, video, and documents folders for XP is: Documents and Settings >> All Users (or each individual name of each user, for Vista and above  C:\Users\$USERNAME\[...]. CHECK All Names!) >> Documents >> You will now see My Music, My Pictures, and My Videos


Remember to only click once!  No double clicking!  Once you drag and drop your first folder, you will notice a small menu will appear giving you the option to move or copy.  Choose COPY each time you drag and drop. 


YOU ARE DONE!!!  Simply click Menu >> Mouse Over Shutdown >> Reboot/Turn Off Computer.  Be sure to plug your USB Drive into another working windows machine to verify all data is there and transferred without corruption. Congratulations! 







For computers that have UEFI as opposed to legacy BIOS, to be able to boot from your USB device you may need to disable secure boot and change UEFI to CSM Boot, not all computers and BIOS are the same, please refer to your user manual if you have one as the following steps are only one such example.

Restart the computer, Windows 8 and 8.1 from the Start or desktop screen move your mouse pointer over the upper or lower right corner of the screen, when the Windows Charms appear click the Settings Charm, click on Power and then the Restart option.

Windows 10, Click on Start,Power and then Restart.

While the computer is re-starting,you will need to continually tap or hold down the particular key that will allow you to access the BIOS on your computer, we will use the F2 key as an example here;

After restarting the computer, when the screen goes black, press and hold down the F2 key, wait for the BIOS to load.

Select Security -> Secure Boot and then Disabled.

Select Advanced -> System Configuration and then Boot Mode.

Change UEFI Boot to CSM Boot.

Save the changes and Exit the BIOS, commonly F10.

If your computer will not boot into Windows at all, power up or restart the computer continually tap or hold down the key that will allow you to access the BIOS on your computer and then do the following;

Select Security -> Secure Boot and then Disabled.

Select Advanced -> System Configuration and then Boot Mode.

Change UEFI Boot to CSM Boot.

Save the changes and Exit the BIOS, commonly F10.

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unnamed.jpg Did everything.  Followed the link to make a bootable copy of Puppy Linux. Was able to boot from usb, then this.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Did you boot in Legacy BIOS or UEFI.


If Legacy, try a different version of Puppy such as Slackware64 14.1 which you can download from here

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✓  Best Answer

Just this. Everything is empty



Lesson learned.  Always back up files before messing with installing windows or anything else.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update, sorry that it is not better news though  :(


Some will come comment about instances such as this but I`m not one of them, the last thing that anyone needs after such a mishap is a lecture.


How the drive came to get wiped when not even connected to the computer is still beyond me and the only far fetched thing that I could come up with was the drive getting magnetised by something.

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