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what to do with old laptop before throwing it away? (Delete files for

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Hi, I have 4 old laptops from the past 14 years that are lying in my basement

Now I need to move & would like to get rid of them. ;-)

 The city has a place where  you can throw away old electronics, I just want to make sure no data can get into wrong hands.

2 laptops are more than 10 years old and they broke - impossible to start them. 

Any easy solutions you can suggest?  That even I could do if I don't know much about laptops?  


Thank you 

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Hello chrisiMaurerla.


Get the name an model number of the laptop, the google it with the words" hard drive removal "  you should quickly find a youtube video on how to do it. Sometimes quite simply with the removal of a few screws. Hit the hard drives with a hammer once out an destroy them.


Best I could offer.

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