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Where do I view my Screen Shots?

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I <thought> t hat the shots I take by hitting the PrtSc button end up in the C\User name\Pictures\ScrShots in my File Explorer. But I find no ScreenSho director there. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you.  ...Batpark

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    WTT Tech Teacher

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Hi Batpark, I think you will find that just using the Prt Sc button on your computer just copies the info on screeen to the clipboard ( a temporary and volatile holding area) To get it out of the clipboard you will need to paste it somewhere... for example in an open Word document you can paste the content of the screenshot into it.


However use of Prt Sc on its own does not save the screenshot as a file..... so to save it as a file use the Windowskey +Prt Sc this will be saved and can be accessed from the path your gave in your post.... Try it, see how you get on,



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Paws: I just noticed that the note I thought I sent yesterday thanking you for solving my problem never got posted. I must have made another mistake!


Let me say again how much I appreciate your (and other  G-to-G members) help. Locked down and isolated in a senior residence (because of Covid precautions), where would I be without you all.        batpark 

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