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microsoft store is just gone.

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  • PipPipPip
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hey everyone. back again bc now Microsoft store is gone. like gone gone. any time i click a link i get a "you need a new app to open this ms-windows-store-link" and ofcourse you cant reinstall the dang thing.

ive tired the ms store cache reset

ive tired using the power shell re register thing

pretty much everyhting you can find on google.

nothing worked.


idk when or how the store got removed from my computer but guess i need it for some programs and pc settings.


windows 10 build 19041

avg malware spybot win defender all clean scans. even ran some registry cleaners/defrag  done sfc and other command promt things that should of re stored it and nothing. even the file folders for the store are gone. i have show hidden files on.


any help please. really dont want to do a fresh install.


custom build with

as rock x370 tachi

16gb ddr4 gskill flare 2x8

256 wd ssd 

radon rx570 vid

ryzen 7 1700

Edited by darkmj16, 25 November 2020 - 10:36 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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 even ran some registry cleaners/



Please don`t take this the wrong way but only those that are experienced with working with the registry should go anywhere near it as one wrong click most often ends up hosing Windows.


Couple of suggestions for you, easiest first, try a refresh while keeping your files etc

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