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Data Removal and/or deletion

Best Answer phillpower2 , 05 February 2021 - 02:28 PM

Recycle bin then when you empty that the data in there gets erased as best as is possible depending on the method used Of the three options that you mention formatting the device would be best... Go to the full post »

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Thiw is a question I have been meaning to ask for a long time.  Firstly when data is removed from a flash drive for example, by deletion or formatting of said location, where do all the data bytes go?  Secondly what is the most thorough means of removing data? Deletion, Cutting, or formatting?

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Recycle bin then when you empty that the data in there gets erased as best as is possible depending on the method used


Of the three options that you mention formatting the device would be best, you could alternatively use something like DBAN to wipe the device, do be aware though that trained security experts and data recovery experts can still find data on drives that have been wiped.

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