Hi, thanks for that.
I'll probably leave things as they are for now, but am I correct in thinking from what I read that the three recovery partitions to the right of C drive are in fact redundant?
NO. One of them is current and any others are redundant, as is the first one on the disk; which one I do not know so wise to leave well alone.
I also wonder why the first recovery partition didn't use the C drive to expand into. Either way I see that it is not really a fault which was my concern.
The first recovery is blocked from expanding into the C: partition by the EFI sys partition.
There has been a change in how (W10 only) is now installed; implemented in the most recent build of W10,
> https://win10.guru/t...-windows-setup/
If you perform a clean install of W10 using an old installation Disk, or old Media created from an old ISO, you will still get multiple Recovery partitions when windows is updated to a new build through Windows Update.
If you are performing a clean install of (W10 only), and you want the newer partitioning style, you will need to download the ISO with the latest Windows build and create new media installer.
You will only get the new partition table in W10 Build Version 2004 or later.