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Making Pc-linq Work Between Win10 Pcs

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I am NOT asking how to copy data between PCs - I'm asking about PC-linq or an equivalent. I still have a PC-Linq 'bridging - cross-over' cable that used to allow data transfer between 98E and XP in an effective and user-friendly way. I would like to use it between Win10 PCs. There is a 2018 post on the web https://answers.info....ith-windows-10 that claims it still works for Win10, provided it is installed and run As Administrator, and that the Compatibility Mode is set (for WinXP). I have done that and when it failed, I ran the Troubleshooter which came back with 'Mdi is incompatible'. Knowing that PCs often tell diagnostic lies, I figure that the software could be inadequate or any number of other gremlins could be causing the failure. I already know about work-arounds - the easiest being to use a USB-stick - and ethernet-wise, I KNOW that Team Viewer also works. After a great deal of effort, I've had NO success with networking through ethernet cable, so spare me reminders about THAT option. The only modern version of PC-Linq I could find, from USBGear https://www.usbgear.....fer-cable.html, has user comments at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004GIGNVC which range from EXCELLENT to ABYSMAL - it does not work for me. I'm really NOT after work-arounds, or asking how to transfer data between PCs, but in finding out if anybody-out-there can reproduce the success in getting PC-Linq to work with Win10 which was claimed by the post I quoted. I want to cast a wide net by asking for help in forums.

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I know you want to use the program and cable but it is most likely 32BIT and that can be the issue.

NO success with networking through ethernet cable


I am willing to spend the time helping you setup connecting via network. 

Are you running Win 10 Home or Pro

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Thank you very much for your kind offer to help, but I must remind you that it is PCLinq I want help with - not some work around for data transfer. I'm still hoping that someone will say - yes it CAN work - here is how. As for 32bits being the culprit - If it is going to be of any use to me, it MUST be able to transfer between 32bits and 64bits.

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