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Antiques Are OUT!

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I lived 46 years in a 2500 sq ft, 124 year old Victorian house. Now that I'm almost 70, a woman and single, I'm finding it difficult to keep up with the maintenance and housekeeping. This summer I bought a 1300 sq ft ranch built in 1995. Of course the problem is getting 2500 sq ft of contents into a 1300 sq ft house - not gonna work - something's gotta go.


Unfortunately, most of the old house's contents are Victorian style antiques and wouldn't go with the decor of a much more modern home. I tried selling online locally through Marketplace, FB Online Garage Sale, CraigsList and other venues. Absolutely no interest. Local auction houses have either gone OOB, shut down because of the pandemic or are only taking very "high-end" items. Estate sellers aren't interested because they say I don't have enough of what people want these days to make it worth it to them to do an estate sale. Antique shop proprietors say, in consensus, that the pandemic and the economy have combined to knock the bottom out of the antiques market. They aren't selling, so they aren't buying. What they term "brown furniture" is cold turkey right now. I even tried lugging things out and having a moving sale. Sold some things, but just small stuff that won't make any difference in the volume. Thrift and charity shops also say they are overstocked and aren't accepting donations.


These things seem too nice to trash, but nobody wants them. Any ideas what I can do?



Attached Thumbnails

  • gate leg1a.jpg
  • fancy chair1.jpg
  • hall tree A.jpg
  • cabinet1.jpg
  • porch3.jpg
  • dresser1a.jpg
  • piecrust table3.jpg
  • roll top desk.jpg

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it looks as though you have exhausted your options here. Not sure what to try next of just leave them behind.

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My family went through the exact same thing when our Mom passed a few years ago. We knew we had to sell the house and property (22 acres and a house built in 1952 by our parents). After us kids took what we wanted we asked grand kids. We sold a few small items. Antique dealers only wanted small items they could move. No desks, chairs, dressers, etc. A lot of stuff went to donation. It broke our hearts to see so many items be tossed. People now want new stuff that looks like antiques. I feel your pain. Best of luck.

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