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My PC acted strange this morning

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This morning after I woke up a series of strange events happened. First my monitor would not turn on after my PC woke up from sleep mode. I had to reboot with the power button. After this it would not boot into Windows so I had to reboot again and after this it had to do a drive scan. After all this my Razor Chroma Black Widow keyboard would not light up so I had to restart again. All is normal and I am running a virus scan on Kasperky as I type this. Should I be worried or was this just Windows errors?


EDIT-Scan did not find anything wrong

Edited by RebelGamer137, 06 December 2021 - 08:01 AM.

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If the pc is working okay now, then there's nothing to worry about.  My laptop was weird too today but okay after a reboot....

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