Let's move on.
1. AdwCleaner (Clean mode)
- Double click AdwCleaner.exe on your Desktop, to run it as you did before.
- Click Scan Now.
- When the scan has finished a Scan Results window will open.
- Please check all the boxes and then click Quarantine.
- Click Next.
- If any pre-installed software was found on your machine, a prompt window will open. Click OK to close it.
- Check any pre-installed software items you want to remove.
- Click Quarantine.
- A prompt to save your work will appear.
- Click Continue when you're ready to proceed.
- A prompt to restart your computer will appear.
- Click Restart Now.
- Once your computer has restarted:
- If it doesn't open automatically, please start AdwCleaner.
- Click the Log Files tab.
- Double click on the latest Clean log (Clean logs have a [C0*] suffix, where * is replaced by a number, the latest scan will have the largest number)
- A Notepad file will open containing the results of the removal.
- Please post the contents of the file in your next reply.
2. Eset Online Scanner
To ensure that everything is clean...
Download ESET Online Scanner and save it to your desktop.
- Right-click on esetonlinescanner_enu.exe and select Run as Administrator.
- When the tool opens, click Get Started.
- Read and accept the license agreement.
- At the Welcome to ESET Online Scanner window, click Get Started.
- Select whether you would like to send anonymous data to ESET.
- Note: if you see the "Welcome Back to ESET Online Scanner" screen, click Computer Scan > Full Scan.
- Click on the Full Scan option.
- Select Enable ESET to detect and remove potentially unwanted applications, then click Start scan.
- ESET will now begin scanning your computer. This may take some time.
- When the scan is finished and if threats have been detected, select Save scan log. Save it to your desktop as eset.txt. Click on Continue.
- ESET Online Scanner may ask if you'd like to turn on the Periodic Scan feature. Click on Continue.
- On the next screen, you can leave feedback about the program if you wish. Check the box for Delete application data on closing. If you left feedback, click Submit and continue. If not, Close without feedback.
- Open the scan log on your desktop (eset.txt) and copy and paste its contents into your next reply.
In your next reply please post:
- The AdwCleaner[C0*].txt
- The eset.txt
- How is the computer running now? Any errors/warnings/issues?