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Acer Spin 5 Problems

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I have an Acer Spin 5 14" laptop / tablet combo.  I have really enjoyed using it and love the touch screen.  The one-year manufacturer's warranty has expired.  For the past couple of months, the screen suddenly goes black on me while using it.  Then, it sometimes takes a few seconds of banging the keys, hitting the power button, or closing the lid and re-opening it before it returns to the login screen.  I login with my fingerprint or passcode and I can continue like nothing ever happened.
Lately, this issue of the screen going black and returning to the login screen has been happening more and more frequently.  It also seems to be more and more difficult to get back to what I was doing.  
I called Acer support the other day and I was redirected to one of their partnering service companies in California.  The gentleman on the phone had me turn off my machine and got me to power it back up using the continuous tapping of the F1 button while powering on.  He suggested that I have a problem with my operating system.  It appears that it is a Windows issue.  He offered me 3 service warranty options that I could buy right away and obtain immediate service for my laptop / tablet.  1 year of service for $159.99 USD, 2 years of service for $239.99, or 3 years of service for $359.99.  My machine was a warranty replacement for a previous laptop.  I had to pay about $400-$500 extra as I upgraded from what my warranty was worth.  I got this machine in 2018 I believe...
Since this is an older machine and I have another newer one as well, can anyone suggest a way I could try and fix the issue I am having?  Would reinstalling Windows be worth trying?  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

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