Let's run Speccy so we can see what your hard drive looks like. The last time I had the USB procedure fail the hard drive had a bunch of bad sectors.
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Let's run Speccy so we can see what your hard drive looks like. The last time I had the USB procedure fail the hard drive had a bunch of bad sectors.
Your link is dead (404). It's not redirecting me to filehippo. When I look for speccy on filehippo and try to download it in the way you noted, it does not do anything. Please provide a different link and instructions to download.
Thanks for the feedback. Ccleaner bought up Speccy and they are now charging for it. Let's try DiskCheckup instead.
Download the file then go to the download folder and right click on it and run as admin.
Once you get it installed and running, click on the icon for your main drive then on Smart Info. Now click on Export and check the top two boxes then OK. Change the destination folder to your desktop and Save. You should have a file DriveInfo.txt on your desktop. Please open it and copy and paste it to your reply.
Not sure why it got N/A so much but seems to be OK. You might get Samsung Magician.
You want the first one under
Samsung Magician Software for Consumer SSD
Then under the SMART info there is an Extended Test. See if it passes the Extended Test. (Probably take a few hours to run).
We can rule out any malware with:
Since you are now online try running MBAR
Direct Download is: https://downloads.ma...s.com/file/mbar
Save the file then right click and Run As Admin. See if it finds anything evil.
Another good online test is ESET:
Finally Rogue Killer:
If all come out clean then you are clean.
To remove FRST and its logs: Right click on FRST.exe or FRST64.exe (whichever you used) and rename it to uninstall.exe. Then right click on uninstall.exe and Run as Admin.
Uninstall anything else we had you install. Delete any logs.
Samsung Magician is not showing Extended Test under SMART. Do you know where it is in this software is the place to run an extended test? Perhaps you could post a screenshot. Google turns up nothing on the program for extended tests. Everything in this program is displaying NA.
MBAR and Rogue Killer came up clean. ESET found two things. See below. Unable to do extended scan with Samsung utility. Unable to find Extended Scan option. Should I bother trying to dig into that or am I good to go?
Hi, RKinner. I appreciate the help you've afforded me. Was there anything else you wanted me to do before I give the laptop back?
Sorry for the delay. I've been trying to get Samsung Magician to work for me so I could tell you how to do it but apparently they have discovered a problem with AMD based PCs and the latest version of Magician refuses to work with my PC. I have an old intel based laptop but it was running 32 bit Windows and it wouldn't load. Finally got it reloaded with 64 bit Windows and now it tells me the drive is not compatible so I give up. Might as well give the laptop back.
Okay thanks for the help. I appreciate it! I love the support I get here. Quite the hidden gem.
Just so you know, before I take off, this website has issues loading in Chrome. I get the below with Chrome no matter what I do. I'm not sure where to report it, and I've seen others mention it in the forum, but I figured I put this here for others to see. It doesn't matter what PC I use, or what OS. Chrome seems to be the common denominator, here. Edge and FF works just fine.
Thanks again!
This page isn’t working
www.geekstogo.com redirected you too many times.
I'll tell Admin but since it works for my Chrome I doubt they will be able to find the problem.
Turns out it's a known issue. There is a very long thread in our bug tracker forum about it. Perhaps related to the fact that the stupid forum software can't use https and Chrome considers https the default but no solution that works for everyone.
Thanks for the follow-up to that. I appreciate it!
Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help.
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