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Best way to encrypt before saving to cloud

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I use Goodsync and boxcryptor together to sync my folders/files to the cloud. Some Folders/Files I want to encrypt before sending to the cloud. Currently I have goodsync sending nonsecured folder/files to the cloud. For folders/files I want encrypted I send to Boxcryptor, which acts a virtual drive then syncs with the cloud. Works perfectly.


The problem is Boxcryptor was sold and will no longer support their current software and my license will not be renewed. I have been trying out Axcrypt, but it is very slow and doesn't work nearly as well as Boxcryptor.


Any ideas on a replacement for the current process I am doing?



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Thanks for the reply. Looking for something that encrypts faster than Axcrypt and will encrypt automatically whenever a new file is added to a folder. This way when using Goodsync it will automatically add the file and then be encrypted, then Goodsync syncs it to my cloud service. Ultimately, having a mobile app would be ideal so I can view encrypted files on my phone when needed.From what I could tell you have to manually encrypt all folder/files.

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So I have been working with Axcrypt, which when a file is dropped in to a "secured folder" as Axcrypt calls it. It will automatically encrypt it. My issue with this software is it take a long time to encrypt multiple files, whereas Boxcryptor was very fast.

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