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Iphone Xs Max temperature issue

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Hello there,


I have a 5 year old Iphone Xs Max with temperature issue.

Before that, I accidentally pour hot coffee to it. Then after a few days

I dropped it. Then after 2 weeks, there were vertical lines starting to show

in the screen. It was like that for 2 days then it went totally black.

Then I ordered an LCD Screen from amazon and replaced the screen and it worked.

But by using it even for only 3 to 5 minutes, the temperature is getting hot.

To the point that the phone will show warning about its temperature.

But if you turn off the screen (not the phone) then the temperature becomes cool.

So I ordered a battery replacement from amazon and replaced the battery.

But still its getting hot. So I was thinking maybe the LCD screen I ordered was faulty.

So I put back the old screen but still its getting really hot.

And its not the battery who is getting hot. Its the side near the power button.


This is the part where it gets too hot.



I am no cellphone technician. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere when I'm replacing the screen or the battery.

I just watched youtube videos on how to replace the screen and battery and I followed them step by step.


So what do you think is the problem? 


Thanks in advance.

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After dropping it and spilling coffee  on it it's hard to tell what could be going on. You think it maybe time for a new phone?

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This phone belongs to my wife actually. I gave this phone to her as a birthday gift 5 years ago.

She took care of it since. Until this happened. Its hard for her to let it go though I bought her new one already.

One way or the other I still need to make it work. My wife's concern is if I bring it to the repair shop is maybe

they will see the sensitive information stored in that phone.

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