Hi Guys,
I have a problem with one of my western digital hard drives.
I can access the files on the drive but i cant write.
ive seen an I/O device error and hoping someone can help me out with it.
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Hi Guys,
I have a problem with one of my western digital hard drives.
I can access the files on the drive but i cant write.
ive seen an I/O device error and hoping someone can help me out with it.
It is likely that due to the I/O error, that the system marked it as read-only. The best thing to do is to backup all the data, then run diagnostics on the drive (download from the manufacturer) and see if the drive has completely failed such that it is no longer usable.
Ive done the western digital extended S.M.A.R.T diagnostic on the W.D app and it says no problems-working and also tried a few youtube fixes.
If i try to move a file to the drive it goes up to about 98% and just stops then makes the pc sort of freeze
I can copy stuff off the HD but i dont have the space to back it up...its like 3.11TB of movies and tv shows.
There are different levels of diags, which you need to completely test the drive and that requires writing everything on the disk, which wipes out any data, so that is a bit of a problem.
The drive clearly has a problem. This means that you could lose ALL of the data on it. So unless you don't care about the data, it would be a good idea to get another drive so that you can copy everything. It is also possible to back it up to DVDs or Blurays, but that is a lot of work and takes a lot of time.
There is a windoze program to do a filesystem check on it, but I am going blank on the name (I use Linux), just did a search and it is chkdsk. You should run that and see if it detects any errors as there is a chance that it isn't a hardware issue, but a hardware issue can cause a filesystem problem.
Sorry about not getting back to you sooner, been away for the bank holiday.
I have just unplugged the HD to try to save the data(it constantly runs ay 100% when plugged in).
I have enough HD's in the machine till i can replace it so im not really in a hurry to get a new 1(£££££)
I'd like to get back in touch with you when i have a new drive so i can do the "different levels of diags" to see if it realy is unsavable....im not ready to give up on it yet.
If you downloaded the manufacturer's diagnostics, there should be several different tests that can be run, but it will have warnings that it will erase the data for some of the tests. Those tests do more in depth testing by writing to the disk. That should give a good idea as to the condition of the drive. It will be listed as extended test or something like that.
I did do the extended S.M.A.R.T diagnostic test on the W/D app and it came back no problems.
I read somewhere that you can run the Seagate diag, on W/D drives....i might try that.
Edited by jacktro, 09 May 2024 - 07:50 PM.
Is it directly attached to the computer or is it in an external case with an adapter? It could be an issue with the adapter.
You did the write test, so you would have to recreate the filesystem, so that would be a good test to see if it is all working and as long as you don't get an error, hopefully it should be fine.
Its connected directly to the M/B.
Which write test are you talking about?
I would have to look at the specific diag to tell you, but there are diags which are considered destructive (to the data on the device), but those test the drive more completely. To really test the drive, you need to do reads and writes to it.
Ok, i will look into diff. tests....thx for the help, will let you know how it goes.
...I had completely forgotten i had this open post
I managed to fix the problem by moving the Sata cable to a free Sata port....maybe a faulty port.
I have not moved it back to the original port to try to recreate the problem to be sure....i guess i'm just super happy the drive is good and i have not lost all the contents on the drive.
Next time i am in there i will do the test.
Thx Jack.
Glad you got it sorted and thanks for letting us know the outcome
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