Lo all, just to clarify, I updated the ruls to confirm that animated logo's are
NOT accepted, this is because we need to use the logo on banners, buttons and maybe even flyers etc, so ti needs to be static.
1. You must be a registered user of the Techmonkeys.co.uk site to enter, entries from guests will be discarded.
2. Techmonkey admins are not allowed to enter the competition.
3. The judges decision is final.
4. You may post as many examples as you like, but only the entry you pm to the admins will be accepted as your submission.
5. The image must be your own work, if the image is found to ripped from elsewhere then your entry is void.
6. Entries submitted after the closing date will be disregarded.
7. Attempts to sway the judges decision will not work, although we are a bit partial to chocolate fudge cake and if you were to send some then that would be cool!
8. Entries must be submitted in one of the following formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, PSD. Please do NOT send .bmp files. Also we can not accept animated logo's.
9. If no entry is deemed suitable then the competition will be extended for a further period of time.
10. The successful entry will then become property of Techmonkeys.
11. No cash alternative is offered.
I updated the rules accordingly!
good luck!