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WinFs seems to be a really interesting filesystem imho. If you also wish to know more on it I suppose you give this a glance http://www.ntfs.com/
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    Retired Staff

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WinFS is no longer included in Vista....the performance was so bad that they stripped it out. There is speculation it will be released as an add-on later, but will it be an overlay or will it be a true File System?
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From what ive heard its not a true FS in its own right just an overlay/upgrade to NTFS and they have said they will add it later so it will be a nice upgrade in a service pack, hopefully this way they can release it for XP as well along with one of the last of the service packs.
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    Retired Staff

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it began life as a true file system, but then was cut back to an overlay, and now is an add-on
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    Member 5k

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Maybe some day they will bring it back as a true FS, but not today. What i would like is a proper new open source FS(other than FAT) for everyone to use Windows, Linux and Apple but i doubt it will ever happen that would be to good for the consumers.
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