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help with a .bat file

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    Retired Staff

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I am leaning to use bat files (will go on to other methods when I get visual stuido - it is in the mail) and on the .bat file that I am playing with that I wrote the first line is chkdsk C: /x /r when the file is exeacuted it comes up as expected "Chkdsk could not run because the volume is in use by an other process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked next time the system restarts? (Y/N) I all ways wan't to say Y. how can I put this responce into the .bat file I have tryed several things but none work.

Edited by Michael Buckley, 04 August 2005 - 02:07 AM.

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im not sure, im pretty crappy with batch, try /q (q is no alert)
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It says it is an invalid parameter. What else can I try.
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The /r switch for chkdsk needs dirve to be unmounted, as it checks for physical errors. The /r switch can only be run on next reboot, or from the Recovery Console.
Use only chkdsk C: /x (if the partition is NTFS).
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    Retired Staff

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I know what the /r switch dose and what it because I did have physical errors a few week ago which resulted in the computer not booting, so I want to keep a regular check and this is just part of the batch file (the bat file is part of something that I am making to learn how to write software, will use visual C# when I get it) it comes up with that message and I want to automatically say yes. I will need this in other parts of the .bat file I am sure when I get to writing it.
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