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Norton Internet Security 2004

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Hi All.

I have Norton Internet Security 2004 which I have been using for over a year with full subscription and updates etc. I used to get security alerts all the time asking if I should block/permit/always etc which would intefere far too much with any online usage. Eventually I filled up my rule list with individual rules for specific IP addresses with specific port access etc so i tried to create a better set of rules.

While messing about to create better rules, I have prevented Internet Explorer connecting to the internet (Luckily EVE Online still works...phew). I will download Mozilla and hope the auto rule creation will sort this out. But I wanted to know which Local/Remote ports and Protocols (TCP/UDP/etc) I can make better rules for.

I think I should be able to start out with block everything to and from everything, then create rules above that to specify exactly what I CAN do, but it seems I dont know enough about ports and protocols to do this correctly. Can anyone help?

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Have downloaded Firefox and no change. I need to set some sort of rule to allow and I am guessing now, TCP protocol conections To and From on ports 80-81? Other apps can access the internet, so its not a complete block, just for web browsers I am guessing.

However I am also having problems as it says I have more rules than NIS2005 can support. I downloaded a reset rules .exe which I ran yesterday and seemed to free up some space, but it having filled up again (dont know how) is not fixed by running this utility again.

Should I pay £18 for a support call or can anyone help me please?
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Numb Remxed

Numb Remxed


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Have you tried reinstalling Nortan Internet Security to see if the problem persists?
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