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can someone please break down what all these crazy numbers mean as far as memory goes?



260 mhz


it seems like everytime i feel i have a grasp of any one of these i see some other number that throws a monkey wrench into my whole understanding. i feel like i know quite a bit about computers but i just can't seem to get a grip on this concept.
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Before you carry on, read the list below:

RAM = Random Access Memory
DIMM = Dual Inline Memory Module
1Hz = one per second (measure of frequency)

With regards to Mhz and computers, 260 or otherwise. Mhz represents the max amount of clock cycles per second that your CPU/memory can handle. Now a clock cycle is the voltage(signal) that the clock wire needs to receive in order for your CPU to process a particular command. For example

260 Mhz = 1000 000 x 260 = 260 000 000Hz cycles per second

If memory(no pun intended) serves me correctly

PC100, PC3200 are basically models of RAM

PC100 is basically a 168 pin DIMM (runs on older models almost everything before Pentium 4) that ran at a top speed of 100 Mhz, so PC166 would have a clock speed of 166Mhz.

PC3200 refers to a 184 pin DDR-DIMM with a clock speed of 400Mhz (used with Newer computers Pentium 4 etc) other variants may include PC2700-333Mhz,

Newer variants of memory include DDR2-DIMMS

For more info on what RAM is or how it works, Google is your friend, not to mention your local library

Hope this helps as my communicative teaching skills, basically aren't the best in the world.

Edited by fungit, 06 September 2005 - 04:21 PM.

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