Newbie Geek,
I’m not sure what you mean when you say:
Now I want to use the Movie Factory 3 to convert from analog to digital and end up with the usual process of an MPEG on my HD.
What Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2-4 does is convert a digital AVI (for example) file to a digital MPEG file.
Unless your doing something else that I don’t know about, to convert from analogue to digital, first you need the VHS tape (which is analogue) then you should capture it to your computer as an AVI file which makes it digital.
As for compressing and fitting more on the dvd, in Movie Factory there is a button on the bottom left (once in the section where you import files) called "Project Settings". Click "change MPEG settings and you can lower the kbps to allow more footage to be on the DVD.
But if your looking for 180min on it, its going to start to look nasty (because of the compression), if you can live with that, that’s cool. I would just make 2 DVD's 60min each…
Ok I may as well go over how I would get something off VHS onto DVD for everyone else to look at (there is more then 1 way):
What you need:
1. TV. (Not required but it helps)
2. VCR Player.
3a. Mini DV Camera with red, white and yellow inputs connected to the computer via firewire.
3b. Red, white and yellow (video, left sound, right sound) capture card on the computer.
4. DV Video capture software (i use premiere pro 1.5).
5. Ulead DVD movie maker.
My Method Steps:
1. Put the VHS in with a signal (RWY) being sent out to the TV so you can watch it.
2. Have a signal (RWY) coming out of the output of the TV into the video camera which is set to playback mode. (your TV might not have an output signal).
3. Connect the video camera to the computer with firewire.
4. Load premeire.
5. go to the capture menu in premiere.
6. Press play on the VCR and hit capture on premiere!
And there you have analogue being converted to digital. All you have to do now is save it as an AVI, (at DV quality) then import it into dvd movie factory and compress and burn it!
Another method:
1. Connect the VHS player to the capture card on the computer (red, white, yellow).
2. Run your video capture software and press capture it (the video).
And there you have analogue being converted to digital. all you have to do now is save it as an AVI, (at DV quality) then import it into dvd movie factory and compress and burn it!
Go for the demo of version 4