I am not sure if this is the correct forum for my question, so if not, please forgive me and direct me to the right place.
I just got done cleaning up my system in the Malware/HJT forum (yesterday). I've noticed that since running all the programs (Ewido, AdAware SE, Cleanup, CW Shredder) and then adding SpywareBlaster, I am now getting "The page cannot be displayed" errors on a couple of sites that I use often. One of them is my web hosting site, and the other is hotmail.
This wasn't happening before I did the fix for the malware issues, so could it be related? I have no idea, just trying to figure out what might be causing the problem, and this is all I can come up with. Admittedly though, I am not the most technically proficient person, but I am learning.
I also noticed that I can't upload files from my PC to my web host, or attach files to hotmail.
I have contacted my ISP and they tell me everything is fine on their end, so I don't really know what to do or where to begin doing it. I thought I would post here in hopes that someone could help me, even at the expense of sounding like the average ignorant PC user that I am.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help anyone can provide.