I have touble with my video card. I have an 6600GT AGP video card and if I install the new NVIDIA dirvers (78.01), I can't play any movies. Also my TV kard doesn't work. What hapends is my CPU usage goes up to 100%. The strangest thing is that I can play Games normaly and also the movies in the games apear to be fine. I really don't understand whay this hapends. I called the store from whare I bought the video card, but they could really help me much. All they said was that I might have to format my HD and reinstall windows, but they didn't really knew for sure. Now I haven't done that, becous I have some things I don't wan't to get rid of my computer. So if anyone knwo what I might have to do besides formating my computer, PLEAS help me out!!! One more thing, if I right-klik on the desctop and got to Properties, then to Settings, then Advanced, then Troubleshoot and set the Hardware acceleration to almost none, then I can watch movies but still pretty crappy (sound goes wrong and screen seems to be darken). What I really don't understand is why can I play games and see movies in the games, but not in windows and why does the old drivers work? Now I wouldn't want to change any drivers if I hadn't to, but I'm using drivers from 2 or 3 (or more) versions earlier and I want to play Battlefield 2 with propper graphics, but that I can't do with the old drivers (only the lowest graphics). Also all the other (newer) drivers do the same thing. I t seems like only the this old drivers (and below) work propper, but none of the newer!
Ok that was it, I hope someone could HELP me out. I would really appreciate that!!!