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MPEG Sync Problem

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  • PipPipPip
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Is there a tool i can use (for free) that moves the sound on a MPEG so it is more in sync witht eh video.

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  • PipPipPip
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Yes there is a program! I highly recommend "VirtualDUB-MPEG2", it is a mod of the awesome free opensource VirtualDUB program that is a must for any user interested in digital video. They are freeware programs and you can check out and download VirtualDUB-MPEG2 at:


To change the sync of your MPEG2 video, simply:
1) Start up VirtualDUB-MPEG2
2) Load the troublesome MPEG2 file
3) Click "Audio" -> "Interleaving"
4) A new small window will open and you will see on the bottom a heading called "Audio Skew correction".
5) Now, you can enter a ms value into the box for "Delay Audio track by" and there you go! Use a positive value if the sound is ahead of the video and use a negative value if the sound is behind the video.


Is there a tool i can use (for free) that moves the sound on a MPEG so it is more in sync witht eh video.


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