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error about NTFS.SYS

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Half an hour ago I just seated in front of my computer which was already on and when I moved the mouse the account profiles' screen appeared. Then I thought "why this screen? I should see the desktop!" I nearly didn't have the time to think of it that a blue screen appeared talking of a NTFS.SYS file corrupted or not present anymore; it said also that the computer had to be stopped to avoid bad things. Now, I didn't do anything! Recently - like about a week ago - I added 512 MB DD R2 RAM more so now I have 1 Gig. I remember sometimes blue screens appear (as I've always seen them since Win95 :tazz: ) but I don't remember a NTFS.SYS thing at all. I didn't convert from FAT32. Other informations: Asus motherboard, Maxtor HDD, nVidia 6600 Video Card, PentiumIV 3GHZ, WinXP Pro sp2.

I tried to read the "most common errors'page" but what error was mine so here I am.

Please, I've read about this and people who isn't actually not able to solve the problem even after formatting and replacing hardware components.

I know you are the best, please help me!
Why did it happen? How can I solve the problem?

Thank you!

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Hi scarletb79!

I would first suggest that you remove the new 512MB stick of memory you added to your computer for testing purposes. If the error continues to appear, then we at least know that it's not related to the memory you recently added to your machine.

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Hello Fenor,
thank you for your kind and fast reply. :)
yesterday evening, after I posted my message in the forum, I rebooted the computer ("reset" after the blue screen and then rebooted once loaded Windows) and everything appeared to be normal; this morning I turned on the computer and again everything appeared to be normal. :tazz:
Do you think I should remove the 512 MB stick anyway or should I wait at least another blue screen?
O-oh, a thunder-storm is arriving, I'd better turn off and unplug everyhting. :)
Thanks again Fenor.
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I'd wait and see if the error comes back first. Could of just been a fluke error, but if it comes back we'll know better.

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Ok, Thank You for now Fenor! :tazz:
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