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Trying to Install Ubuntu 5.04

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i went to find.pcworld.com/48470 and downloaded the Intel x86 install CD and the Intel x86 live CD, both in the .iso format. I was going to download the install/live cd in one, but it would require a dvd burner, so i just downloaded the 2 individual files. after they were downloaded, i burned them to a cd to find out that there was a error trying to copy onto my computer, and I went on the internet browsing for bootable cds and i found this program: MagicISO, the program lets you take a .iso file from a cd and copy it to your computer, so thats what i did and then i burned them to a cd using nero 6, by going to recorder > burn image... i restarted my computer after getting both cds burned, the live cd wouldn't work, so i tried the install cd, NO GO... so i restarted my compuer and got back to find out that the live cd had an error, it said D:/ is not accessible. The file or director is corrupt and unreadable, but keep in mind this is brand new CD-R disc never out of the case.
I went to the install cd and i could get to the files, but when i went to the drive, it showed 1 file, - ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso ........ i thought when you burned it from a .iso image it was supposed to extract the files to be on the cd, not in a subfolder. I went back and selected all the files in the .iso file and burned it, but yet, NO GO... and so now im stumped....did i do something wrong??? i still have the .iso files on my friends computer, should i go there and burn them straight to the cd by using nero and burning it in a cd image format???

thanks for all the help
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I have not used Nero enough to tell you how to do it, but there are two basic ways of making a CD, one is selecting files and burn them and the other way is to have an ISO image and burn that, which the end result is that all the files in the image will be seen, but you have to tell the program to do that, if you just select the file, then that file will just be written and the end result is not want you want. It is not automatic that an iso is converted.

You might want to see if there is an option to burn an image file.
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i got it to work!!! i can now boot from the cd, but there is still one problem that remains.....partitioning...
how can i partition my computer so that i can have windows xp pro and ubuntu 5.04 both on the same system...im not sure what option to use in the partition menu....if someone knows which options to choose to NOT FORMAT the hard drive, please help...

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Is there currently just one partition with XP? How full is it? Is there enough space free to reduce the size of the partiion?

If so, the first thing to do is to backup the system, then defrag the disk and then you can resize the partition. One program that you can use, which comes with Knoppix, is qtparted, but there are other programs too. Mandriva also allows for resizing the partition.

You should should have a boot partition (100Mb), swap partition (~512Mb or so), root partition (around 4Gb), home partition (around 4Gb) and then a partition for storage. One reason for this is that if you need to rellocate it is easier to do without affecting the whole disk, as well as other reasons.
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i currently have 1 partion, there are 2, but 1 is just what the computer stores... i only have 9.56GBs on my hard drive....i'm just looking for a quick way to be able to install ubuntu 5.04 on my computer....i'm not a person who wants to do all that work on the computer.....if there is a shortcut, or perhaps just avoid it, please speak up...

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What are you trying to accomplish?

If you want to learn about Linux, then you might start with Knoppix and/or DSL OS since both of those can boot off of a CD. This would avoid all the issues since you just boot and go.

I don't understand what you mean by "i currently have 1 partion, there are 2, but 1 is just what the computer stores". How much free space do you have?

You might also consider getting a second disk to install Linux on. Small disks are cheap.
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