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Video Editing Tutorials

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    Retired Staff

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  • 243 posts
How-to put videos on the video iPod

Creative Cow:
Comprehensive Tutorials And Articles On Almost Everything. (Click Program On Left, When Pages Loads, Click Tutorials On Left).

Digital Hotcakes FREE Video Editing Tutorials:
Tutorials for Adobe Premiere, Adobe Premiere Pro, Vegas Video, Quicktime Pro, Pinnacle Studio 9, Powerpoint And A Wedding Essentials Primer.

Media College Video Editing Tutorials:
Tutorials for Basic Video Editing, Linear (Tape to Tape) Editing, Non Linear (Computer) Editing, Video Transitions And Adobe Premiere.

Digital Video Editing Tutorials:
Video Editing Techniques

PhotoShop Tutorials Video

Photoshop Videos

What's New in Photoshop CS2

Snowflake Effects
Create Dynamic snowflake photo effects
QuickTime Movie | 12.8 MB | 10 MIN

Creating Depth of Field
Create more depth of field and enhance the color in a image.
QuickTime Movie (5.7mb)

Convert Raster to Vector
By high demand! Convert raster/scanned images to vector or Illustrator files.
QuickTime Movie (10.7mb)

Remove People out of Photos
Have something or someone in a photo and you want to remove them? Awesome!
QuickTime Movie (10.5mb)

Surprise Tutorial
The first video of the suprise series. Watch it to find out! Right-click the link and select Save.
QuickTime Movie (5mb)

Retouch a stained portrait
I'll show you a color match secret I use on a retouching job.
QuickTime Movie (6.5mb)

Creating Dotted Lines
Create vertical dotted lines and dotted boxes in Photoshop.
QuickTime Movie (5.5mb)

Enhancing Photographs
Watch me take this dense image of a lake and turn it into an awesome colorful photograph.
QuickTime Movie (6mb)

Software Box with reflection
Create a 3D software box or book with a glass reflection.
QuickTime Movie (5mb)

PhotoShop Video Tutorials

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