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Windows Me networking issues

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Okay, so here is my setup:

Desktop runs Windows XP wired to a Linksys router

Laptop runs Windows ME and has a wireless adapter

I've created a workgroup (GROUP) and both computers seem to recognize that they are part of this workgroup.

On Desktop I can access the workgroup and all the shared files on the laptop. Everything seems to work beautifully.

On Laptop I go into My Network Places and double click Entire Network, then I see an icon for GROUP, I double click this and then see two icons, one for Laptop and one for Desktop. My objective is to be able to access the files and printer associated with Desktop. I double click the icon for Desktop and get:

'\\Desktop is not accessible.

Windows cannot find the computer or share name. Make sure the computer or share name is valid and that you are connected to the network, and then try again."

I've been round and round on this and cannot seem to find and answer. I have a feeling that its probably something in the network settings for the ME laptop but I don't know what else to change that I haven't already experimented with. Any advice is appreciated.

Also, I know ME is not the ideal OS but it isn't worth the time and expense associated with an upgrade to me. I have also disabled all firewall and security programs and still no solution. Is it possible that it could be something with my XP settings?

Edited by rcj2a, 02 January 2006 - 09:06 PM.

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Hello rcj2a,

Thanks for providing a detailed explanation of your problem :tazz:

Basic Checklist for Networking
1. Ensure that all firewalls are disabled for all computers involved.
2. Ensure that all computers on the network are in the same workgroup.
3. Ensure each computer has "file and printer sharing" installed.
4. Ensure that you have 'File Sharing' enabled - to do this, right-click on any Drive/Folder/File on one (or all) of the other computers, and select 'Sharing and Security...'. Ensure that 'Share this folder on the Network' is enabled.

Can you ping the Desktop from the laptop? Goto Start, Run, type CMD, press 'OK' and then type: PING Desktop's IP - ie: PING

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Thanks for the assitance Dan G!

I'm covered on all the basic checklist points, but I cannot ping desktop from laptop. I get a timed out error or something to that effect (I'm not at home right now so I'm not sure exactly what it says).

I can ping the laptop from desktop, but not vice versa. Do you have any suggestions?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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can you do start > run > cmd > ipconfig /all on both computers and report back what you get
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Sure, I'll do it as soon as I get home this afternoon. I really appreciate you folks volunteering your assistance.
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Ok here we go!


On the Laptop (Windows ME)

I had to type 'command' in the Run dialog box on the laptop. It gave me and error when I typed 'cmd'. I assumed 'cmd' = 'command'. Also, I hope I got all of this, I had trouble seeing all of the info it seemed to cut some data off from the top and I couldn't scroll up. I don't know MS-DOS at all.


BTW, I'm in Tennessee too, we are neighbors

Edited by rcj2a, 06 January 2006 - 12:10 PM.

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Bump for my sanity
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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well..your ip info looks about right....let me check on whether or not you have to make the network setup disk with me..(when making a workgroup in xp...if you're connectiong to older windows versions you have to do a network setup deal....)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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http://www.microsoft...hnw_setupw.mspx <---that says to make sure ICS is disabled on the ME machine...and also that you have to create a network setup floppy
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See that's part of my problem. Initially to create the network on the ME computer I tried to run the homenetworking wizard and before I can even get started it tells me that a network adapter was not detected. When I create a network setup disc from the XP machine, I load the disk onto the ME laptop, it looks like it loads some files and what not, restarts the laptop, and then I get an error that says no network adapter detected.

I can connect to the internet fine on the laptop wirelessly so the adapter is installed correctly. I keep running in circles on this. I'll try to figure how and what ICS is and see if it is disabled.
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Ok, ICS was disabled. Any idea why the home networking wizard doesn't recognize my adapter?
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