Now I'm not 100% sure Linux was the cause of this but I want to know if it's safe to install, now I've got a new PC with a working OEM restore DVD and I don't want it broken or my parents will go MAD, and I love Linux.
If you think it's safe to do I will download and install ubuntu Linux, I would also like to dual boot with Windows XP SP2, but I don't know how to because I've never worked with NTFS file systems before

I'm using a Packard Bell IMedia 1508/2
MotherBoard: Sunshine DDR2 (GA-8I915PMD) (made by Gigabyte)
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 - 519 - 3.06ghz
RAM: DDR2-533 1024MB
Chipset: Intel 915P
Graphics: nVidia Geforce 6200se/TC 64MB (256MB Total) VGA + TV out
Harddrive: (can't remember lol) 160GB
DVD Drive: HLDS GWA-4164B DVD R9
If you need any more information just ask