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Is it safe to install Linux

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Well my problems started a year or so ago when I installed ubuntu Linux on my old computer, after installing it my OEM restore cd's would not work, I got error messages when I tryed to use it like "cannot load mstools.exe" and "operating system < 0".

Now I'm not 100% sure Linux was the cause of this but I want to know if it's safe to install, now I've got a new PC with a working OEM restore DVD and I don't want it broken or my parents will go MAD, and I love Linux.

If you think it's safe to do I will download and install ubuntu Linux, I would also like to dual boot with Windows XP SP2, but I don't know how to because I've never worked with NTFS file systems before :tazz: so if any of you can provide help with these two problems it would be nice :).

I'm using a Packard Bell IMedia 1508/2

MotherBoard: Sunshine DDR2 (GA-8I915PMD) (made by Gigabyte)
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 - 519 - 3.06ghz
RAM: DDR2-533 1024MB
Chipset: Intel 915P
Graphics: nVidia Geforce 6200se/TC 64MB (256MB Total) VGA + TV out
Harddrive: (can't remember lol) 160GB
DVD Drive: HLDS GWA-4164B DVD R9

If you need any more information just ask :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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well...it sounds like when you installed linux on the old computer...you let it remove the recovery partition on your hard drive....most computers taht come with recovery disks..have a small partition (sometimes 2) on the drive that retain all of the recovery data (the settings that the machine came with from the factory)....so basically...as long as you don't let the linux install touch those partitions...then it should be fine
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But the Restore Disk that comes with my PC can restore the operating system even when all visable partitions have been deleted, I've tryed this with my Windows XP CD (unless there is some very hidden partitions on my disk.....) that Fdisk cannot see.

as far as I'm aware my old PC did not have any recovery partitions, I know XP does but I've deleted them (I think using fdisk) without any other effect than it not being able to boot.

All I want to know if it's safe to install, and how to dual boot with Windows XP

Edited by chickenman, 16 January 2006 - 10:04 AM.

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Is anyone going to help? I would like to get this done by 10PM at least, I've started downloading Ubuntu Linux 5.10, and am going to burn it to a DVD.

and I still want to know if you think it's safe for me to install. :tazz:
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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well...like i said...as long as those recovery partitions (if they exist)...stay intact the recovery disks should be fine...also..as long as the original os is still there...like...say you decided to install 98 instead of xp...if you do that..then the recovery disk probably wouldn't work....

as far as the dual boot..your ubuntu installer should take care of that..it just changed the boot loader...and generally detects the windows install...and adds it to the list
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Another reason it might not work is if the restore CD wants to partition the whole disk.
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Hmmm is there a way of finding out if I have a hidden restore partition ?, at the moment I'm downloading a pirate copy of XP (just in case it all goes wrong), Windows XP shows a total diskspace from my two partitions as 158.9GB I have a 160GB HDD but I know the amount can differ up to number of GB's do does this show that I do not have a restore partition as I would expect a restore partition to contain more than 1.1 GB of data

Edited by chickenman, 16 January 2006 - 11:37 AM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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if you have a restore partition it would show up in disk management...

and since you decided to just tell a moderator that you're in the process of downloading a pirated copy of xp....this thread is closed

EDITED: removed hot headed comment (sorry chickenman)

Edited to add: The thread was closed due to the fact that we do NOT ever offer any help to someone who does not own their own copy of Windows, and/or people who use pirated copies. :tazz:

Edited by Kat, 16 January 2006 - 03:46 PM.

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