
Audio Timing
Posted 23 January 2006 - 02:57 PM

Posted 23 January 2006 - 04:26 PM

Is this a commercially available movie? It is against the TOS for us to assist in any forms of piracy.
I downloaded a movie from the internet. The file type was "Video Clip" and the audio was timed right. I transfered it to MPEG2 and the audio was still timed right. But when I transfered it to Vegas5 or DVD Architect 2.0, There is a sound lag for about 5 secconds at the very beginning, making it not match up with the video portion. I have tried clipping and editing on both programs, but it wont let me edit the audio alone. I transferred it to Audacity to edit it seperately there, but halfway through the transfer, the coundown shoots up to 15 hours and then times out and closes. I have tried everything to get this movie onto a DVD and still have the audio timmed correctly. If anyone has a solution to my problem, I would appriciate it.
Posted 23 January 2006 - 06:02 PM

Posted 23 January 2006 - 06:27 PM

What was the original file type of the video file? You should be able to edit/delete audio with Vegas 5 (that is the editing program I use as well). Another option would be to load the mpeg2 file into VirtualDub-MPEG and you can then save the entire audio track as a WAV file. Then, when you import the MPEG video file into Vegas, you can delete the "corrupt" audio track and then import the original audio track in WAV format. Below is the link to VirtualDub-MPEG.
Let us know if you have any luck and about the original file format. Sometimes AVI files are encoded with variable bitrate MP3 audio compression and it can make problems similar to yours crop up.
I downloaded a movie from the internet. The file type was "Video Clip" and the audio was timed right. I transfered it to MPEG2 and the audio was still timed right. But when I transfered it to Vegas5 or DVD Architect 2.0, There is a sound lag for about 5 secconds at the very beginning, making it not match up with the video portion. I have tried clipping and editing on both programs, but it wont let me edit the audio alone. I transferred it to Audacity to edit it seperately there, but halfway through the transfer, the coundown shoots up to 15 hours and then times out and closes. I have tried everything to get this movie onto a DVD and still have the audio timmed correctly. If anyone has a solution to my problem, I would appriciate it.
Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:53 PM

Edited by 11010110, 23 January 2006 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 23 January 2006 - 11:01 PM

The next step I would try would be to trim out the extra 5 seconds of audio at the beginning of the clip in Vegas. You can do this on the timeline, just select the video track (and it should automatically select the associated audio track) then you can CTRL-click on the video track to remove it and you should have just the audio track selected to trim. Also, the audio and video tracks are automatically added to the same group on the timeline in Vegas, so you can select the video and audio, right-click and select "remove group" or similar command.
The other option would be to import the seperate wav audio file from before and you can trim that in the Trimmer window of Vegas before adding it to the main timeline.
I exported the WAV from VirtualDub and transferred it over to vagas and deleted the old one but the result is still the same. The audio is still edlayed. I have been using an MPEG2 filetype. any other suggestions?
Posted 23 January 2006 - 11:16 PM

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