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Computer crashes

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:tazz: : My computer freezes up when rendering to prepare to make Dvd and/or when coverting my avi file to mpeg file about 30 minutes into it. No error message. I've defraged my hard drives. This happens in seperate video editing software. I can capture video and edit it with no problem.
I have a P4 HT 1 gig of Ram 2 HD (120 Gig) So far no one has been able to figure out the problem.
Hope someone out there can help.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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start > run, type

Look under systems and applications for items with red Xs that happened at the SAME time as your problem...list them here.
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start > run, type

Look under systems and applications for items with red Xs that happened at the SAME time as your problem...list them here.

[font=System]Have a X under System: reads as follows:
Error 1/27 7:41PM service control Mgr. (catagory) none (event): 7000 (user): n/a (computer) user-jkd4vrl7ul

Hope you can help me
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