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Image clarity

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I have been making a slide show using Pinacle Studio 10, and inserting still pictures and video clips. For some reason, the images when shown in the movie created from stills are blurry and appear not to be in focus, but the images used appear to be fine when viewed in regular photo image software. Does anyone know why this occurs and how it can be avoided?
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    Retired Staff

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what size are the photos?, eg 300pixels by 400 pixels, or 10 by 10? or 1000 by 3200
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Pictures are 2592 width X 1944 height pixels.
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    Retired Staff

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you would think that they would be exellent quality at that size..
try to resize them to say 800 * 600, as this is closer to the resolution of the tv and the video editing program (unless you are working in HD).
Because they are soo large at the moment there may not be enough memory (RAM) to show them in full quality so it sets them to draft, when you export the video do they look normal? or are they still blury and all that?
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