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Pinnacle Studio 9

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:tazz: Hello there,

Can someone please put me out of my misery... I have first of all been having rendering problems - when I click burn to DVD it does it great and goes onto tell me it's burning to the DVD and then it stalls... so I have reinstalled the software and downloaded the patch 9.4.3, haven't tried it again yet, but will in a mo.

The other question I have is, that if I have a video .avi file on my hard disc and want to bring it into Studio 9 - does anyone know how I do this please?

Thank you so much for your help, I'm ripping my hair out and no one to ask.


Edited by annieambro, 08 February 2006 - 07:28 AM.

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Which programme are you using to burn the DVD, what is the speed of the DVD Writer, what is the speed rating on the discs

You can get the manual here, (377 pages), studio 9 plus manual, 4th down

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I am using the Studio 9 software, it has the option from there. The speed is 8x, the discs I am using are Verbatim 4.7 8x - does this help?

Do you have a clue as to how I get a avi file into the create part so I can play around with it?

Thank you
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    Retired Staff

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File Menu - Import Video ? or does it say the .avi is incompatible?
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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If the burning section gives an option for burn speed you could try lowering it
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