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Pinnacle capture problems

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Am newbie, am 1 year late in getting trip video to students. Can't load analog video or dvd of trip highlights (manatee and dolphin swims). Maybe wrong setting or source? Maybe wrong ports? windows xp. Studio plus 9. Am clueless about this system.
Whatever this means: Dell Pent R 4CPU 2.80 GHz, 1.00 GB RAM, 2.79 GHz
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ok load studio up. plug your camcoder in or whatever you want to capture from and click the 'capture' tab. Then at the bottom right of the screen click 'settings' click on the tab that says 'capture source' and you should see to boxes with drop down menus. select your camcoder from the list for audio, and video and press ok. then you should be sorted. it wont have your camcoders name in the list i dont think but the adaptor you use. for example, the adaptor i have to capture video is Dazzle. so when i click on the list i click on dazzle and it finds my camcoder.
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